Defending Tomorrow: The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders

TitleDefending Tomorrow: The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGlobal_Witness _
Key themesAccessToJustice, CivilSociety-Donors, Environment

WEB INTRODUCTION: For years, land and environmental defenders have been the first line of defence against climate breakdown. Yet despite clearer evidence than ever of the crucial role they play, far too many businesses, financiers and governments fail to safeguard their vital and peaceful work. The climate crisis is arguably the greatest global and existential threat we face. As it escalates, it serves to exacerbate many of the other serious problems in our world today – from economic inequality to racial injustice and the spread of zoonotic diseases. For years, land and environmental defenders have been the first line of defence against the causes and impacts of climate breakdown. Time after time, they have challenged those companies operating recklessly, rampaging unhampered through forests, skies, wetlands, oceans and biodiversity hotspots.


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