The “Engine of Economic Growth”: An Overview of Private Investment Policies, Trends, and Projects in Cambodia

TitleThe “Engine of Economic Growth”: An Overview of Private Investment Policies, Trends, and Projects in Cambodia
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGrimsditch M
Paginationi, 1-56
Key themesAgriculturalModernization, Dispossession-grabbing, Environment, FDI, Policy-law

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: Acknowledging the importance of private investment as well as the challenges that have so far emerged in its implementation, this paper aims to present an overview and analysis of the current investment landscape in Cambodia, as well as its impacts on people and the environment. It is hoped that the information contained here will both raise awareness about current investment trends and promote discussion among the various stakeholders interested in the current trajectory of Cambodia’s development. The paper begins with an overview of Cambodia’s policies on investment, followed by a summary of key elements of the regulatory framework. It then looks at nationwide investment trends and focuses on several key sectors, before going on to discuss how regional and international actors and agreements are shaping Cambodia’s investment climate. The final section reflects on the impacts of private investment in Cambodia.


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