The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics and Uneven Development under Hyperglobalisation

TitleThe Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics and Uneven Development under Hyperglobalisation
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCarroll T, Hameri S, Jones L
Paginationi-xxv, 1-413
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Place PublishedCham, Switzerland
Key themesCivilSociety-Donors, Environment, FDI, Gender, MigrationLabour, Policy-law

This all-new fourth edition of The Political Economy of Southeast Asia constitutes a state-of-the-art, comprehensive analysis of the political, economic, social and ecological development of one of the world’s most dynamic regions. With contributions from world-leading experts, the volume is unified by a single theoretical approach: the Murdoch School of political economy, which foregrounds struggles over power and resources and the evolving global context of hyperglobalisation. Themes considered include gender, democracy, populism, state transformation, regional governance, migration, aid, extractive industries, and the environment. The volume will be useful for scholars and students across multiple disciplines, including political economy, development, international relations and area studies, and for civil society, policymakers, and anyone with a stake in the future of this fascinating region.


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