Social Forestry and Climate Change in the ASEAN Region

TitleSocial Forestry and Climate Change in the ASEAN Region
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsRECOFTC _
Paginationi-viii, 1-104
Place PublishedBangkok
Key themesEnvironment, Policy-law

WEB INTRODUCTION: Forests play a crucial role in the fight against global climate change. The communities that live in and around forests are well-placed to carry out climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) recognizes that social forestry enables communities to manage forests sustainably. It also helps them deliver on economic, social and environmental goals, including mitigation and adaptation. This has motivated ASEAN leaders to study and understand social forestry’s role in climate change and to strengthen its presence in the region. This is the final report in a four-part series documenting the changing status of social forestry in the ASEAN region since 2010. The reports were prepared for decision-makers in ASEAN Member States across all sectors. Their purpose is to demonstrate the role social forestry plays in climate change mitigation and adaptation.


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