Indigenous Data Sovereignty in the Mekong Region

TitleIndigenous Data Sovereignty in the Mekong Region
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsChung P, Chung M
Secondary Title2019 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington DC
Key themesCivilSociety-Donors, MarginalisedPeople

The Mekong region is home to over 100 indigenous and ethnically distinct communities who have struggled to retain their autonomy. While each group of indigenous and ethnic minorities (IEM) have unique struggles, a general theme emerges: access to land and natural resources. Despite global recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN General Assembly, 2007), IEM rights have in some cases been rendered meaningless because of the colonization and repatriation of IEM. IEM claims to land and livelihoods based on the related natural resources have suffered, in part because IEM-produced data and knowledge have usually been delegitimized by governing powers. This paper discusses how open data policies focused on Indigenous Data Sovereignty, applied to create a coordinated network, has contributed to the public provision of data and its use in land claims in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.


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Conference Proceedings