Corruption and water governance in the Mekong River Basin

TitleCorruption and water governance in the Mekong River Basin
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSopera D
Key themesConversion-FoodSecurity, Dispossession-grabbing, Environment, FDI, Gender, MarginalisedPeople

The Mekong River Basin is shared between six countries and displays remarkable and globally relevant cultural and biological diversity. Its natural resources are largely governed by systems in which national and transnational corruption prevail. The countries that share the basin all display varying degrees of authoritarianism, which serve to reinforce these corrupt governance systems, and to determine the choice and type of regional cooperation. These governance systems have clear implications for local communities in terms of food security and production, resettlement and ethnicity, gender, migration, and human rights.


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Regional, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam

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