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COVID-19 migrant returnees, access to land, and subsistence under uncertain times in Karen State, Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 146:107293.
2024. Decentralization of Vietnam's forestlands: The policy process and impact. Land Use Policy. 143(December 2023):107194.
2024. Historical Agrarian Change and its Connections to Contemporary Agricultural Extension in Northwest Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 56(1):25-52.
2024. .
2024. Land Titling and Microcredit in Cambodia: Examining the Reality of Hernando de Soto’s ‘Three Steps to Heaven’. Land. 13(4):1-31.
2024. Smallholder Cash Cropping Expansion and the Privatization of Communal Forestland in Southeast Myanmar. East-West Center Asia Pacific Issues. 27(166):1-8.
2024. Agricultural commercialization in the Mekong region: A meta-narrative review and policy implications. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):128-151.
2023. Cultivating inequality? Regional rubber dynamics and implications for voluntary sustainability programs in Lao PDR World Development. 170:106312.
2023. Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(3):820-850.
2023. Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.
2023. .
2023. Making concessions pay? Historical vs. potential tax revenues from Laos's rubber sector World Development. 172(September):106359.
2023. Networks of Speculation: Making Land Markets on Myanmar Facebook. Antipode. 55(2):643-665.
2023. Rethinking agrarian transition in Southeast Asia through rice farming in Thailand. World Development. 169(June):106309.
2023. Silent transitions: Commercialization and changing customary land tenure systems in upland Laos. Land Use Policy. 126(106541):1-9.
2023. The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(4):1529-1548.
2023. Three populisms and two dead ends: Variants of agrarian populism in Thailand. Journal of Agrarian Change. 23(1):47-67.
2023. .
Exclusions in the Cambodian irrigation sector: perspectives from Battambang province. Cahiers Agricultures. 31:1-8.
2022. Hybrid livelihoods: Maize and agrarian transformation in Southeast Asia's uplands. Journal of Rural Studies. 95(October):521-532.
2022. .
2022. Modernization, Agricultural Economics, and U.S. Policy towards Land Reform in South Vietnam. International History Review. 44(2):282-299.
2022. Is small beautiful? An empirical analysis of land characteristics and rural household income in Vietnam Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 66(3):561-580.
2022. .
2022. Why the Land Consolidation of Vietnam is Incomplete: A Case Study of Binh Dao Commune, Central Vietnam. Geographical review of Japan series B. 95(2):69-82.