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On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN. :i-xvi,1-237.
2013. .
2013. National Updates on Agribusiness Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Southeast Asia Brief. Brief #8 of 8: Union of Burma. Agribusiness large-scale land acquisitions and human rights in Southeast Asia - Updates from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Burma. :140-157.
2013. Old Policies – New Action: A Surprising Political Initiative to Recognize Human Rights in the Cambodian Land Reform. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2013. :1-17.
2013. Periurban Land Redevelopment in Vietnam under Market Socialism. Urban Studies. 51(May):1146-1161.
2013. The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 26(6):1085-1103.
2013. Power and Political Culture in Cambodia. Asia Research Institute. :1-28.
2013. Project Performance Assessment Report: Lao People’s Democratic Republic Second Land Titling Project. :i-xii,1-48.
2013. Promoting Land Rights in Vietnam: A Multi-sector Advocacy Coalition Approach. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-25.
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2013. Safeguarding Tenure: Lessons from Cambodia and Papua New Guinea for the World Bank Safeguards Review. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-23.
2013. Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar. (May):1-171.
2013. Self-sufficiency or surplus: Conflicting local and national rural development goals in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 34:342-352.
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2013. The Socio-Economic Context of Illegal Logging and Trade of Rosewood Along the Cambodian-Lao Border. (November):1-9.
2013. Southeast Asian agriculture: Why such rapid growth? L'Espace Geographique. 2013(2):135-155.
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2013. Sugar Rush: Land rights and the supply chains of the biggest food and beverage companies. Oxfam Briefing Note. :1-24.
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2013. Timber Trade Flows and Actors in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Timber Trade. :i-ii,1-18.
2013. Title through Possession or Title through Position? Respect for Housing, Land and Property Rights in Cambodia Land and Post‐Conflict Peacebuilding. :411-436.
2013. Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Related Issues in Land Policy and Administration Projects. Project Appraisal. :1-4.
2013. Trajectories of deforestation, coffee expansion and displacement of shifting cultivation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Global Environmental Change. 23(5):1187-1198.