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Scott S.  2009.  Agrarian transformation in Vietnam: land reform, markets and poverty. The political economy of rural livelihoods in transition economies. :175-200.
Hart GPatricia, Turton A, White B.  1989.  Agrarian transformations: Local processes and the State in Southeast Asia. :341.
Woods K.  2014.  Agribusiness and land grabs in Myanmar. Mekong Commons. :1.
Woods K.  2013.  Agribusiness Investments in Myanmar: Opportunities and Challenges for Poverty Reduction. :1-115.
Colchester M, Chao S, Dallinger J, Toh SMei, Kiev C, Saptaningrum I, Ramirez M_A, Pulhin J.  2013.  Agribusiness Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Human Rights in Southeast Asia. (August):1-156.
Byerlee D, Kyaw D, San Thein U, L Kham S.  2014.  Agribusiness Models for Inclusive Growth in Myanmar: Diagnosis and Ways Forward. :i-xvii,1-66.
Martignoni JB, Gironde C, Prügl E, Tsikata D.  2022.  Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food: Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. :290.
Nguyen A-T, Oya C, Beban A, Gironde C, Cole R, Ehrensperger A.  2023.  Agricultural commercialization in the Mekong region: A meta-narrative review and policy implications. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):128-151.
Boonyanam N.  2018.  Agricultural economic zones in Thailand. Land Use Policy. :1-9.
Diepart J‐C, Ngo S, Ngin C, Ouer I.  2022.  Agricultural Investment at the Crossroads in Cambodia: Towards inclusion of small-holder farmers? Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Analyzing Development Issues Centre (ADIC), Mekong Region Land Governance Project (MRLG). Case Study(6):1-48.
Cole R, Dzung_The_Nguyen _, Ingalls ML.  2022.  Agricultural Land Accumulation and Concentration in Viet Nam: Policy Objectives and Implications for Smallholder Farmers. :1-8.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2010.  Agricultural Land Claims in the Red River Delta During Decollectivisation. Norms and Pracitices in Contemporary Rural Vietnam: Social Interaction between Authorities and People. :79-98.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2009.  Agricultural land conversion and its effects on farmers in contemporary Vietnam. Focaal—European Journal of Anthropology. 2009(54):106-113.
Nguyen_Quang_Phuc _, Van Westen A.C.M., Zoomers A.  2014.  Agricultural land for urban development: The process of land conversion in Central Vietnam. Habitat International. 41:1-7.
Bélanger D, Li X.  2009.  Agricultural land, gender and kinship in rural China and Vietnam: A comparison of two villages. Journal of Agrarian Change. 9(2):204-230.
Mund J-P.  2011.  The Agricultural Sector in Cambodia: Trends, Processes and Disparities. Pacific News. (January/February):5.
Ferrand P, Jeune SLe.  2018.  Agroecology Futures: Inspiring and innovating stories from the Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia. :1-146.
Sikor T.  2001.  The allocation of forestry land in Vietnam: did it cause the expansion of forests in the northwest? Forest Policy and Economics. 2:1-11.
McAllister K.  2015.  Allocation or appropriation? How spatial and temporal fragmentation of land allocation policies facilitates land grabbing in Northern Laos Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (76):i-iii,1-20.
Cramb R, Manivong V, Newby JC, Sothorn K, Sibat PS.  2017.  Alternatives to land grabbing: exploring conditions for smallholder inclusion in agricultural commodity chains in Southeast Asia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):939-967.
Vanwey LK.  2004.  Altruistic and Contractual Remittances between Male and Female Migrants and Households in Rural Thailand. Demography. 41(4):739-756.
Brakke G.  2023.  Ambivalent insurgencies: Citizenship, land politics and development in Hanoi and its periurban fringe. Urban Studies. 60(6):1123-1138.
Kimsun T.  2012.  Analysing Chronic Poverty in Rural Cambodia: Evidence from Panel Data. :i-vii,1-28.
Yang R, Luo Y, Yang K, Hong L, Zhou X.  2019.  Analysis of Forest Deforestation and its Driving Factors in Myanmar from 1988 to 2017. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(11):1-15.
Kane S, Hackman R, Gritten D, Luangphay T, Phouangmala B.  2017.  Analyzing the enabling environment for transforming forest landscape conflicts: the example of Lao PDR. Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land Governance—Towards an Evidence-Based Approach. (March):1-27.
