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Diepart J-C, Boutry M, Venot J-P.  2022.  Irrigated Land Tenure in Myanmar and Cambodia: The state, the market... and smallholders!. :1-11.
Ironside J.  2022.  Localizing global concepts: an exploration of Indigeneity in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 54(3):374-397.
Pichler M, Schmid M, Gingrich S.  2022.  Mechanisms to exclude local people from forests: Shifting power relations in forest transitions. Ambio. 51(4):849-862.
Gawthorpe AJ.  2022.  Modernization, Agricultural Economics, and U.S. Policy towards Land Reform in South Vietnam. International History Review. 44(2):282-299.
Meehan P.  2022.  “Ploughing the land five times”: Opium and agrarian change in the ceasefire landscapes of south-western Shan State, Myanmar. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(2):254-277.
Nanhthavong V, Bieri S, Nguyen AThu, Hett C, Epprecht M.  2022.  Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR. World Development. 155:105885.
Cole R.  2022.  Prospects and limitations of ‘Responsible Agricultural Investment’ for governing transboundary agri-food systems in Mekong Southeast Asia: Implications for upland maize in the Lao-Vietnamese borderlands. Environmental Policy and Governance. 32(4):362-373.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2022.  The Prospects for Sustainable Rubber in the Mekong Region: An Assessment of Emerging Initiatives. (Thematic Study No.14):1-36.
Erni C, Deligne A.  2022.  Restoring Land Rights: Pathways for the recognition of customary tenure in Myanmar. (Thematic Study#13):1-55.
Phuc_Van_Phan _, O'Brien M.  2022.  Is small beautiful? An empirical analysis of land characteristics and rural household income in Vietnam Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 66(3):561-580.
Faxon HOliva, Goldstein JE, Fisher MR, Hunt G.  2022.  Territorializing spatial data: Controlling land through One Map projects in Indonesia and Myanmar. Political Geography. 98(March):102651.
W. Green N, Estes J.  2022.  Translocal Precarity: Labor and Social Reproduction in Cambodia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 112(6):1726-1740.
Brugman J.  2022.  Uncovering the individual/collective divide in planning responses to informal settlements as a structural cause of tenure insecurity in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Development Planning Review. 44(4):411-434.
Work C, Theilade I, Thuon T.  2022.  Under the canopy of development aid: illegal logging and the shadow state. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-32.
Dwyer MB.  2022.  Upland Geopolitics: Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush. :250pp..
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC, Moreda T, Xu Y, Bruna N, Demena BAfewerk.  2022.  The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions. Land Use Policy. 119:106199.
Franco JC, Borras_Jr. SM.  2021.  The 5Rs in Myanmar: Towards a future federal democratic system where working people can flourish. :1-48.
Cochard R, Bien_Thanh_Vu _, Dung_Tri_Ngo _.  2021.  Acacia Plantation Development and the Configuration of Tree Farmers’ Agricultural Assets and Land Management-A Survey in Central Vietnam. Land. 10(12):1-39.
Kmoch L, Palm M, U. Persson M, Jepsen MRudbeck.  2021.  Access mapping highlights risks from land reform in upland Myanmar. Journal of Land Use Science. 16(1):34-54.
Loughlin N, Milne S.  2021.  After the Grab? Land Control and Regime Survival in Cambodia since 2012 Journal of Contemporary Asia. 51(3):375-397.
Faxon HOliva.  2021.  After the Rice Frontier: Producing State and Ethnic Territory in Northwest Myanmar. Geopolitics. :1-25.
Mekong_Region_Land_Governance _(MRLG), Land_Information_Working_Group _(LIWG).  2021.  Assessment of the new Land Law and Forestry Law in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Focusing on Customary Rights. (April):1-56.
Yadav LPrakash, Smith D, Aziz AAbdul, Cu_Thi_Le_Thuy _, Hoang_Xuan_Thao _, Huu_Huan_Le _, Nicetic O, Luu_Ngoc_Quyen _, Vagneron I.  2021.  Can traders help farmers transition towards more sustainable maize based farming systems? Evidence from the Lao-Vietnamese border International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 19(3-4):234-254.
An_Thinh_Nguyen _, Turner S, Kalacska M.  2021.  Challenging slopes: ethnic minority livelihoods, state visions, and land-use land cover change in Vietnam’s northern mountainous borderlands. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 24:2412-2431.
Tuan_Nguyen-Anh _, Duy_Nong _, Leu S, Nguyen_To-The _.  2021.  Changes in the environment from perspectives of small-scale farmers in remote Vietnam. Regional Environmental Change. 21(4):1-17.
