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Sun_Sheng_Han _, Kim_Trang_Vu _.  2008.  Land Acquisition in Transitional Hanoi, Vietnam. Urban Studies. 45(5&6):1097-1117.
Ravallion M, van de Walle D.  2008.  Land in Transition: Reform and Poverty in Rural Vietnam. :i-xii,1-205.
Hutchison J.  2008.  Land titling and poverty reduction in Southeast Asia: realising markets or realising rights? Australian Journal of International Affairs. 62(3):332-344.
Quy-Toan_Do _, Iyer L.  2008.  Land Titling and Rural Transition in Vietnam. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 56(3):531-579.
Walker A, Farrelly N.  2008.  Northern Thailand's specter of eviction. Critical Asian Studies. 40(3):373-397.
Hare D.  2008.  The Origins and Influence of Land Property Rights in Vietnam. Development Policy Review. 26(3):339-363.
Fisher R, Hirsch P.  2008.  Poverty and Agrarian-Forest Interactions in Thailand. Geographical Research. 46(1):74-84.
Rutherford J, Lazarus K, Kelley S, Stannard P.  2008.  Rethinking Investments in Natural Resources: China’s Emerging Role in the Mekong Region. :i-iv,1-62.
Amnesty_International _.  2008.  Rights Razed: Forced evictions in Cambodia. (February):1-64.
Smith N.  2008.  Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space. :i-xix,1-324.
Mann E, Luangkhot N.  2008.  Women’s Land and Property Rights under Customary or Traditional Tenure Systems in Five Ethnic Groups in Lao PDR. (Land Policy Study No. 13 under LLTP II):1-87.
Ministry_of_Planning_Cambodia(MP), United_Nations_Development_Programme_Cambodia(UNDP).  2007.  Cambodia Human Development Report 2007: Expanding Choices for Rural People. Human Development. :1-124.
Cambodia_Development_Resource_Institute(CDRI).  2007.  Cambodia Land Titling Rural Baseline Survey Report. (December 2007):1-7.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2007.  Contending views and conflicts over land In Vietnam's Red River Delta. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 38(02):309-334.
South A.  2007.  Displacement and dispossession: Forced migration and land rights in Burma. :1-175.
United_Nations_Special_Representative_of_the_Secretary-General_for_Human_Rights_in_Cambodia _.  2007.  Economic land concessions in Cambodia: A human rights perspective. (June):1-35.
Pham_Van_Hung _, Macaulay T.G., Marsh S.  2007.  The economics of land fragmentation in the north of Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 51:195-211.
Jakobsen J, Rasmussen K, Leisz S, Folving R, Nguyen_Vinh_Quang _.  2007.  The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
Middleton C, Sokleap H.  2007.  Fast-wood Plantations, Economic Concessions and Local Livelihoods in Cambodia. :1-119.
Clément F, Amezaga JM, Orange D, Tran_Duc_Toan _.  2007.  The Impact of Government Policies on Land Use in Northern Vietnam: An Institutional Approach for Understanding Farmer Decisions. :i-vi,1-22.
Larsson T.  2007.  Intertextual relations: The geopolitics of land rights in Thailand. Political Geography. 26(7):775-803.
Analyzing_Development_Issues(ADI), Land_Information_Centre _.  2007.  Land Titling and Poverty Reduction: A Study of Two Sanglat in Prey Nup District, Sihanoukville Municipality. :1-50.
FitzGerald I, Sovannarith S, Sophal C, Sithen K, Sokphally T.  2007.  Moving Out of Poverty? Trends in community well-being and household mobility in nine Cambodian villages Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). :1-228.
Sneddon C.  2007.  Nature's Materiality and the Circuitous Paths of Accumulation: Dispossession of Freshwater Fisheries in Cambodia. Antipode. 39:167-193.
Kim AM.  2007.  North versus South: the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnam. World Development. 35(12):2079-2095.
