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Rutherford J, Lazarus K, Kelley S, Stannard P.  2008.  Rethinking Investments in Natural Resources: China’s Emerging Role in the Mekong Region. :i-iv,1-62.
Rhoads EL, Wittekind CT.  2018.  Rethinking Land and Property in a “Transitioning” Myanmar: Representations of Isolation, Neglect, and Natural Decline. Journal of Burma Studies. 22(2):171-213.
Phuc_To _, Dressler W.  2019.  Rethinking 'Success’: The politics of payment for forest ecosystem services in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 81:582-593.
Vicol M, Pritchard B, Yu_Yu_Htay _.  2018.  Rethinking the role of agriculture as a driver of social and economic transformation in Southeast Asia's upland regions: The view from Chin State, Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 72:451-460.
Van_der_Meer_Simo A, Kanowski P, Barney K.  2019.  Revealing environmental income in rural livelihoods: evidence from four villages in Lao PDR. Forests Trees and Livelihoods. 28(1):16-33.
Suhardiman D, Giordano M, Keovilignavong O, Sotoukee T.  2015.  Revealing the hidden effects of land grabbing through better understanding of farmers’ strategies in dealing with land loss. Land Use Policy. 49:195-202.
Oldenburg C, Neef A.  2014.  Reversing Land Grabs or Aggravating Tenure Insecurity? Competing Perspectives on Economic Land Concessions and Land Titling in Cambodia Law and Development Review. 7(1):49-77.
Paglietti L, Sabrie R.  2013.  Review of smallholder lingkages for inclusive agribusiness development. :i-xiv,1-84.
Lourdes KT, Gibbins CN, Hamel P, Sanusi R, Azhar B, Lechner AM.  2021.  A Review of Urban Ecosystem Services Research in Southeast Asia. Land. 10(1):1-21.
Hoa_Thi_Mong_Pham _, Anderson J, Huong_Thi_Lan_Tran _, Jaffe S, Dzung_The_Nguyen _.  2012.  Revising the Land Law to Enable Sustainable Development in Viet Nam: Summary of Priority Policy Recommendations Drawn from World Bank Studies. :i-viii,1-16.
Leblond J-P.  2019.  Revisiting forest transition explanations: The role of “push” factors and adaptation strategies in forest expansion in northern Phetchabun, Thailand. Land Use Policy. 83:195-214.
Dapice DO, Vallely TJ, Wilkinson B.  2010.  Revitalizing Agriculture in Myanmar: Breaking Down Barriers, Building a Framework for Growth. :1-64.
Cole R, Wong G, Brockhaus M.  2015.  Reworking the land: A review of literature on the role of migration and remittances in the rural livelihoods of Southeast Asia. :i-viii,1-32.
Centre_for_Development_Oriented_Research_in_Agriculture_and_Livelihood_Systems(CENTDOR).  2014.  Rice-Based Farming Practices in three Provinces Kampong Speu, Kampot and Takeo, Cambodia. :1-76.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO).  2021.  Right to Relief: Indebted land communities speak out. :i-iv,1-38.
Amnesty_International _.  2008.  Rights Razed: Forced evictions in Cambodia. (February):1-64.
Deininger K, Byerlee D, Lindsay J, Norton A, Selod H, Stickler M.  2011.  Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? :i-xlvi,1-218.
Sims K.  2021.  Risk navigation for Thinking and Working Politically: The work and disappearance of Sombath Somphone. Development Policy Review. 39(4):604-620.
Van_der_Meer_Simo A, Kanowski P, Barney K.  2020.  The role of agroforestry in swidden transitions: a case study in the context of customary land tenure in Central Lao PDR. Agroforestry Systems. 94:1929-1944.
Land_Core_Group(LCG), Food_Security_Working_Group(FSWG).  2009.  The Role of Land Tenure Security for Smallholder Farmers in National Development: A policy discussion brief by the Land Core Group of the Food Security Working Group. :1-12.
Rammohan A, Pritchard B.  2014.  The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar. World Development. 64:597-608.
Özdoğan M, Baird IG, Dwyer MB.  2018.  The role of remote sensing for understanding large-scale rubber concession expansion in Southern Laos. Land. 7(2):1-20.
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Environmental_Investigation_Agency(EIA).  2014.  Routes of Extinction: The corruption and violence destroying Siamese rosewood in the Mekong. :1-25.
Global_Witness _.  2013.  Rubber Barons: How Vietnamese Companies and International Financiers are Driving the Land Grabbing Crisis in Cambodia and Laos. :1-51.
