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Sekine Y.  2021.  Emerging ‘agrarian climate justice’ struggles in Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):517-540.
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Scurrah N, Hirsch P, Woods K.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Myanmar. :32. (568.45 KB)
Scott S.  2003.  Gender, Household Headship and Entitlements to Land: New Vulnerabilities in Vietnam's Decollectivization. Gender, Technology and Development. 7:233-263.
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Schwedersky L_H.  2010.  Mechanisms of Land Conflict Resolution in Rural Cambodia. :i-iii,1-58.
Schönweger O, Messerli P.  2015.  Land Acquisition, Investment, and Development in the Lao Coffee Sector: Successes and Failures. Critical Asian Studies. 47(1):94-122.
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