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Martignoni JB, Gironde C, Prügl E, Tsikata D.  2022.  Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food: Insights from Ghana and Cambodia. :290.
Bauernschuster S, Pichler M, Nanhthavong V, Bernhard R, Epprecht M, Gingrich S.  2022.  Carbon emissions from land acquisitions in Laos. Ecology and Society. 27(3)
Bauernschuster S, Pichler M, Nanhthavong V, Bernhard R, Epprecht M, Gingrich S.  2022.  Carbon emissions from land acquisitions in Laos. Ecology and Society. 27(3)
Black B, Anthony BP.  2022.  Counterfactual assessment of protected area avoided deforestation in Cambodia: Trends in effectiveness, spillover effects and the influence of establishment date. Global Ecology and Conservation. 38(May):e02228.
Natarajan N, Brickell K.  2022.  Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(3):473-488.
Bauernschuster S, Pichler M, Ingalls M, Thongmanivong S, Gingrich S.  2022.  Discursive and biophysical dimensions of land sparing policies in Laos: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions and food security. Land Use Policy. 120(June):106293.
Belton B, Fang P.  2022.  Hybrid livelihoods: Maize and agrarian transformation in Southeast Asia's uplands. Journal of Rural Studies. 95(October):521-532.
Broegaard RBrandt, Vongvisouk T, Mertz O.  2022.  The Impact of Unimplemented Large-Scale Land Development Deals. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6(June):1-13.
Diepart J-C, Boutry M, Venot J-P.  2022.  Irrigated Land Tenure in Myanmar and Cambodia: The state, the market... and smallholders!. :1-11.
Nanhthavong V, Bieri S, Nguyen AThu, Hett C, Epprecht M.  2022.  Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR. World Development. 155:105885.
Brugman J.  2022.  Uncovering the individual/collective divide in planning responses to informal settlements as a structural cause of tenure insecurity in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Development Planning Review. 44(4):411-434.
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC, Moreda T, Xu Y, Bruna N, Demena BAfewerk.  2022.  The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions. Land Use Policy. 119:106199.
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC, Moreda T, Xu Y, Bruna N, Demena BAfewerk.  2022.  The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions. Land Use Policy. 119:106199.
Franco JC, Borras_Jr. SM.  2021.  The 5Rs in Myanmar: Towards a future federal democratic system where working people can flourish. :1-48.
Cochard R, Bien_Thanh_Vu _, Dung_Tri_Ngo _.  2021.  Acacia Plantation Development and the Configuration of Tree Farmers’ Agricultural Assets and Land Management-A Survey in Central Vietnam. Land. 10(12):1-39.
Wang L, Yang B, Bai Y, Lu X, Corlett RT, Tan Y, Chen X-Y, Zhu J, Liu Y, Quan R-C.  2021.  Conservation planning on China's borders with Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Conservation Biology. 35(6):1797-1808.
Marschke M, Rousseau J-F, Beckwith L, Van Arragon L.  2021.  Displaced Sand, Displaced People: Examining the Livelihood Impacts of Sand Mining in Cambodia. Research Papers. (205):1-24.
W. Green N, Bylander M.  2021.  The Exclusionary Power of Microfinance: Over-Indebtedness and Land Dispossession in Cambodia. Sociology of Development. 7(2):202-229.
Jansen LJM, Kalas PP, Bicchieri M.  2021.  Improving governance of tenure in policy and practice: The case of Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 100:1-12.
Castelli G, Win_Min_Oo _, Di Maggio A, Fellin L, Re V, Bresci E.  2021.  Participatory analysis of sustainable land and water management practices for integrated rural development in Myanmar. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 11(1):26-36.
