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The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):463-475.
2021. The rapid rise of agricultural mechanization in Myanmar. Food Policy. 101:1-14.
2021. Religious Land as Commons: Buddhist Temples, Monastic Landlordism, and the Urban Poor in Thailand. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 80(2):585-636.
2021. .
2021. .
Assembling Drones, Activists and Oil Palms: Implications of a Multi-stakeholder Land Platform for State Formation in Myanmar. European Journal of Development Research. 32(2):359-378.
2020. Assembling Drones, Activists and Oil Palms: Implications of a Multi-stakeholder Land Platform for State Formation in Myanmar. European Journal of Development Research. 32(2):359-378.
2020. Assessing the ecological vulnerability of forest landscape to agricultural frontier expansion in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 84:101958.
2020. Assessing the ecological vulnerability of forest landscape to agricultural frontier expansion in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 84:101958.
2020. Assessing the ecological vulnerability of forest landscape to agricultural frontier expansion in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 84:101958.
2020. Assessment Of Land Use And Land Cover Change In Dong Na Tard Provincial Protected Area , Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications. 4(3):115-120.
2020. Ban Khee Thao, a Site of Political History, and a Symbolic Space of Resistance and Land Politics of the Hmong in Thailand. Thammasat Review. 23(2):73-105.
2020. Breaking with the past? The politics of land restitution and the limits to restitutive justice in Myanmar Land Use Policy. 94:1-10.
2020. Economic Returns to Households Participating in Different Models of Commercial Tree Plantations in Lao PDR. International Forestry Review. 22(1):132-152.
2020. Examining Trajectories of Change for Prosperous Forest Landscapes in Cambodia. Environmental Management. 66:72-90.
2020. The Implementation of the Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Law: a Case Study in Sagaing Region. :1-28.
2020. The intertemporal evolution of agriculture and labor over a rapid structural transformation: Lessons from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-14.
2020. Land Leases and Concessions in the Lao PDR: A Characterization of Investments in Land and their Impacts, Based on field data of 2014-2017. :i-xviii,1-130.
2020. Land Titling Improves Access to Microcredit in Cambodia: Be Careful What You Wish For. 2020 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-42.
2020. Land use and land cover changes along the China-Myanmar Oil and Gas pipelines – Monitoring infrastructure development in remote conflict-prone regions. PLoS ONE. 15(8):1-23.
2020. Policies, Strategies, Processes and Frameworks for Scaling Up Sustainable Land Management in Lao PDR. :1-17.
2020. The politics of swidden: A case study from Nghe An and Son La in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 99:1-7.
2020. Problems for the plantations: Challenges for large-scale land concessions in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 20(3):387-407.
2020. The role of agroforestry in swidden transitions: a case study in the context of customary land tenure in Central Lao PDR. Agroforestry Systems. 94:1929-1944.
2020. Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):301-312.