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Social forestry in Southeast Asia: Evolving interests, discourses and the many notions of equity. Geoforum. 117:246-258.
2020. Social forestry in Southeast Asia: Evolving interests, discourses and the many notions of equity. Geoforum. 117:246-258.
2020. .
2020. Tenurial security and agricultural investment: Evidence from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-10.
2020. Transnational land investment web: land grabs, TNCs, and the challenge of global governance. Globalizations. 17(4):608-628.
2020. Transnational land investment web: land grabs, TNCs, and the challenge of global governance. Globalizations. 17(4):608-628.
2020. .
2020. Assessing forest governance in the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion. Forests. 10(1):1-16.
2019. Forest-Land Commons in Laos in the Twenty-First Century: Agrarian Capitalism and the 'Non-Commodified Subsistence Guarantee’. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. 25:1-6.
2019. From Confrontation to Mediation: Cambodian Farmers Expelled by a Vietnamese Company. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):55-76.
2019. Grey areas in green grabbing: subtle and indirect interconnections between climate change politics and land grabs and their implications for research. Land Use Policy. 84:192-199.
2019. Investigating Perceptions of Land Issues in a Threatened Landscape in Northern Cambodia. Sustainability. 11(21):1-20.
2019. Land grabs and labour: Vietnamese workers on rubber plantations in southern Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 40(1):50-70.
2019. Linking Earth Observations for Assessing the Food Security Situation in Vietnam: A Landscape Approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 7:1-16.
2019. Oil palm concessions in southern Myanmar consist mostly of unconverted forest. Scientific Reports. 9:1-9.
2019. The politics of legal pluralism in the shaping of spatial power in Myanmar’s land governance. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-25.
2019. Revealing environmental income in rural livelihoods: evidence from four villages in Lao PDR. Forests Trees and Livelihoods. 28(1):16-33.
2019. Rural transformation in central Myanmar: By how much, and for whom? Journal of Rural Studies. 67:166-176.
2019. .
2019. Transitioning towards commercial upland agriculture: A comparative study in Northern Lao PDR. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. 88:57-65.
2019. Understanding the drivers of deforestation and agricultural transformations in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Applied Geography. 102:84-98.
2019. Understanding the drivers of deforestation and agricultural transformations in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Applied Geography. 102:84-98.
2019. Agricultural economic zones in Thailand. Land Use Policy. :1-9.
2018. .