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Changes in the environment from perspectives of small-scale farmers in remote Vietnam. Regional Environmental Change. 21(4):1-17.
2021. .
2021. Gender biases in resettlement processes in Vietnam: examining women’s participation and implications for impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 39(3):206-217.
2021. .
2021. Investigating farmers’ decision-making in adoption of conservation agriculture in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 105:1-12.
2021. .
2021. ‘Nothing about us, without us’: reflections on the challenges of building Land in Our Hands, a national land network in Myanmar/Burma. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):497-516.
2021. Participatory analysis of sustainable land and water management practices for integrated rural development in Myanmar. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 11(1):26-36.
2021. The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):463-475.
2021. (Re)constructing state power and livelihoods through the Laos-China Railway project. Geoforum. 124:77-88.
2021. .
2021. .
Agricultural Investment at the Crossroads in Cambodia: Towards inclusion of small-holder farmers? Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Analyzing Development Issues Centre (ADIC), Mekong Region Land Governance Project (MRLG). Case Study(6):1-48.
2022. .
2022. Exclusions in the Cambodian irrigation sector: perspectives from Battambang province. Cahiers Agricultures. 31:1-8.
2022. Incentives are not enough! The intricacies of an agroecological transition in upland Cambodia. Conference paper: 16th INRAE, SFER, CIRAD Social Science Research, Clermont-Ferrand, 15-16 December 2022. :1-20.
2022. Incentives are not enough! The intricacies of an agroecological transition in upland Cambodia. Conference paper: 16th INRAE, SFER, CIRAD Social Science Research, Clermont-Ferrand, 15-16 December 2022. :1-20.
2022. Incentives are not enough! The intricacies of an agroecological transition in upland Cambodia. Conference paper: 16th INRAE, SFER, CIRAD Social Science Research, Clermont-Ferrand, 15-16 December 2022. :1-20.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Restoring Land Rights: Pathways for the recognition of customary tenure in Myanmar. (Thematic Study#13):1-55.
2022. .
2022. The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions. Land Use Policy. 119:106199.
2022. Why the Land Consolidation of Vietnam is Incomplete: A Case Study of Binh Dao Commune, Central Vietnam. Geographical review of Japan series B. 95(2):69-82.