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Hu F, Zhang X, Hu M, Cook DLee.  2019.  Chinese Enterprises' Investment in Infrastructure Construction in Cambodia. Asian Perspective. 43(1):177-207.
Hennings A.  2019.  The dark underbelly of land struggles: the instrumentalization of female activism and emotional resistance in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 51(1):103-119.
Hua X, Kono Y, Zhang L, Xu E, Luo R.  2019.  How transnational labor migration affects upland land use practices in the receiving country: Findings from the China-Myanmar borderland. Land Use Policy. 84(February):163-176.
Tuyen_Quang_Tran _, Huong_Van_Vu _.  2019.  Land fragmentation and household income: First evidence from rural Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 89:1-8.
Hirsch P.  2019.  Limits to neoliberal authoritarianism in the politics of land capitalisation in Thailand: beyond the paradox. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. :1-18.
Poortinga A, Quyen_Nguyen _, Tenneson K, Troy A, Saah D, Bhandari B, Ellenburg WL, Aekakkararungroj A, Lan_Ha _, Hai_Pham _ et al..  2019.  Linking Earth Observations for Assessing the Food Security Situation in Vietnam: A Landscape Approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 7:1-16.
Feurer M, Heinimann A, Schneider F, Jurt C, Myint_Win _, Zaehringer JGwendolin.  2019.  Local Perspectives on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs in a Forest Frontier Landscape in Myanmar. Land. 8(3):1-19.
Hepp CM, Bruun TBech, de Neergaard A.  2019.  Transitioning towards commercial upland agriculture: A comparative study in Northern Lao PDR. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. 88:57-65.
Hennings A.  2019.  Women in Land Struggles: The Implications of Female Activism and Emotional Resistance for Gender Equity. :i-iv,1-17.
Hett C, Nanhthavong V, Kenney-Lazar M, Phouangphet K, Hanephom S.  2018.  Assessing Land Investment Quality: A methodology to assess the quality of land concessions and leases in the Lao PDR. :i-viii;1-26.
Hett C, Nanhthavong V, Kenney-Lazar M, Phouangphet K, Hanephom S.  2018.  Assessing Land Investment Quality: A methodology to assess the quality of land concessions and leases in the Lao PDR. :i-viii;1-26.
Pierce C, Hurtle L, Bainbridge J.  2018.  Gendered experiences of land confiscation in Myanmar: Insights from eastern Bago Region and Kayin State. :i-iii,1-28.
Zeng Z, Estes L, Ziegler AD, Chen A, Searchinger T, Hua F, Guan K, Jintrawet A, Wood EF.  2018.  Highland cropland expansion and forest loss in Southeast Asia in the twenty-first century. Nature Geoscience. 11:556-562.
Hak S, McAndrew J, Neef A.  2018.  Impact of Government Policies and Corporate Land Grabs on Indigenous People's Access to Common Lands and Livelihood Resilience in Northeast Cambodia. Land. 7(4):1-20.
Erni C, Nikornuaychai P, Houng L.  2018.  Indigenous peoples, land rights and forest conservation in Myanmar. :i-vii,1-91.
Fogerite J, Hill JJenkins, Makury A.  2018.  Land and Forest Governance in the Naga Village Republic. :i-ii,1-81.
Borras_Jr. SM, Liu J, Hu Z, Li H, Wang C, Xu Y, Franco JC, Ye J.  2018.  Land control and crop booms inside China: implications for how we think about the global land rush. Globalizations. 15(1):134-151.
Hoang_Linh_Nguyen _, Duan J, Zhang GQin.  2018.  Land Politics under Market Socialism: The State, Land Policies, and Rural–Urban Land Conversion in China and Vietnam. Land. 7(2):1-17.
Nghiem T, Kimkong H, Fox J, Hurni K, Baird I.  2018.  Large-Scale Land Concessions, Migration, and Land Use: The Paradox of Industrial Estates in the Red River Delta of Vietnam and Rubber Plantations of Northeast Cambodia. Land. 7(2):1-17.
Hunsberger C, Work C, Herre R.  2018.  Linking climate change strategies and land conflicts in Cambodia: Evidence from the Greater Aural region. World Development. 108:309-320.
Hunsberger C, Work C, Herre R.  2018.  Linking climate change strategies and land conflicts in Cambodia: Evidence from the Greater Aural region. World Development. 108:309-320.
Human_Rights_Watch _.  2018.  “Nothing for Our Land”: Impact of Land Confiscation on Farmers in Myanmar. :i-v,1-34.
Ornetsmüller C, Heinimann A, Verburg PH.  2018.  Operationalizing a land systems classification for Laos. Landscape and Urban Planning. 169:229-240.
Debonne N, van Vliet J, Heinimann A, Verburg P.  2018.  Representing large-scale land acquisitions in land use change scenarios for the Lao PDR. Regional Environmental Change. 18:1857-1869.
Drbohlav P, Hejkrlik J.  2018.  Social and Economic Impacts of Land Concessions on Rural Communities of Cambodia: Case Study of Botum Sakor National Park. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. 14(1):165-189.
