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2003. .
2004. .
Land Titling and Rural Transition in Vietnam. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 56(3):531-579.
2008. .
2010. .
2010. .
Global land governance: From territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 5(5):522-527.
2013. .
2013. .
2013. .
2014. .
Towards Understanding the Politics of Flex Crops and Commodities. Transnational Institute (TNI) Agrarian Justice Program. (1):1-16.
2014. .
Shifting cultivation, livelihood and food security. Edited by Christian Erni. :i-xiv,1-415.
2015. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Cambodia. :i-v,1-52.
2017. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Lao PDR. (October):i-vi,1-58.
2017. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Vietnam. :i-vi,1-54.
2017. State of Land in the Mekong Region. :i-xviii,1-190.
2018. State of Land in the Mekong Region. :i-xviii,1-190.
2018. State of Land in the Mekong Region. :i-xviii,1-190.
2018. .
2018. Mega-Plantations in Southeast Asia: Landscapes of Displacement. Environment and Society. 10(1):63-82.