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The Cambodian Land Market: Development, Aberrations, and Perspectives. Asien. 120:28-47.
2011. Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and dispossession in Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(4):885-905.
2011. Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR. Applied Geography. 31(3):950-958.
2011. Peasant responses to agricultural land conversion and mechanism of rural social differentiation in Hung Yen province, Northern Vietnam. Meeting the Challenges Facing Asian Agriculture and Agricultural Economics toward a Sustainable Future. :1-34.
2011. .
2011. Responding to ‘land grabbing’ and promoting responsible investment in agriculture. IFAD Occasional Paper 2. :1-16.
2011. .
2011. Urban destruction and land disputes in periurban Hanoi during the late-socialist period. Pacific Affairs. 84(3):435-454.
2011. .
Land degradation in the Lao PDR: Discourses and policy. Land Use Policy. 27(2):424-439.
2010. .
2010. Access and Property: A Question of Power and Authority. Development and Change. 40(1):1-22.
2009. Agricultural land, gender and kinship in rural China and Vietnam: A comparison of two villages. Journal of Agrarian Change. 9(2):204-230.
2009. .
2009. .
2009. .
2009. Rethinking Investments in Natural Resources: China’s Emerging Role in the Mekong Region. :i-iv,1-62.
2008. Women’s Land and Property Rights under Customary or Traditional Tenure Systems in Five Ethnic Groups in Lao PDR. (Land Policy Study No. 13 under LLTP II):1-87.
2008. The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
2007. Intertextual relations: The geopolitics of land rights in Thailand. Political Geography. 26(7):775-803.
2007. .
2007. Land Policy and Farming Practices in Laos. Development and Change. 36(3):499-526.
2005. Study on Land Allocation to Individual Households in Rural Areas of Lao PDR. (December):i-viii,1-81.
2004. Logging in Muddy Waters: The Politics of Forest Exploitation in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 34(August 2014):563-586.
2002. The Political Ecology of Transition in Cambodia 1989-1999: War, Peace and Forest Exploitation. Development and Change. 31:785-805.