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Löhr D.  2011.  The Cambodian Land Market: Development, Aberrations, and Perspectives. Asien. 120:28-47.
Lund C.  2011.  Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and dispossession in Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(4):885-905.
Lestrelin G, Bourgoin J, Bouahom B, Castella JChristophe.  2011.  Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR. Applied Geography. 31(3):950-958.
Nguyen_Thi_Dien _, Vu_Dinh_Ton _, Lebailly P.  2011.  Peasant responses to agricultural land conversion and mechanism of rural social differentiation in Hung Yen province, Northern Vietnam. Meeting the Challenges Facing Asian Agriculture and Agricultural Economics toward a Sustainable Future. :1-34.
Hall D, Hirsch P, Li T.  2011.  Powers of Exclusion: Land Dilemmas in Southeast Asia. :320.
Liversage H..  2011.  Responding to ‘land grabbing’ and promoting responsible investment in agriculture. IFAD Occasional Paper 2. :1-16.
Deininger K, Byerlee D, Lindsay J, Norton A, Selod H, Stickler M.  2011.  Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? :i-xlvi,1-218.
Labbé D.  2011.  Urban destruction and land disputes in periurban Hanoi during the late-socialist period. Pacific Affairs. 84(3):435-454.
