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The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam. World Development. 39(5):839-850.
2011. Identifying the ‘agriculturists’ in the Burma Delta in the colonial period: A new perspective on agriculturists based on a village tract's registers of holdings from the 1890s to the 1920s. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 42(3):405-434.
2011. Land Reform and Changing Identities in Two Tai-Speaking Districts in Northern Vietnam. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam and Laos. (Article 14):146-172.
2011. Land Reform and Changing Identities in Two Tai-Speaking Districts in Northern Vietnam. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam and Laos. (Article 14):146-172.
2011. .
2012. .
Do collective property rights make sense? Insights from central Vietnam International Journal of the Commons. 6(1):1-27.
2012. Do collective property rights make sense? Insights from central Vietnam International Journal of the Commons. 6(1):1-27.
2012. .
2012. Multiple Migrations, Displacements and Land Transfers at Ta Kream in Northwest Cambodia. Migration, Rural Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management. :33-56.
2012. Property Tax Reform in Vietnam : A Work in Progress. :i-iv,1-25.
2012. .
2012. Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2012 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam. Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Hanoi. :1-349.
2013. Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
2013. Global land governance: From territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 5(5):522-527.
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2013. On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN. :i-xvi,1-237.
2013. On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN. :i-xvi,1-237.
2013. Old Policies – New Action: A Surprising Political Initiative to Recognize Human Rights in the Cambodian Land Reform. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2013. :1-17.
2013. Periurban Land Redevelopment in Vietnam under Market Socialism. Urban Studies. 51(May):1146-1161.
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2013. Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Related Issues in Land Policy and Administration Projects. Project Appraisal. :1-4.