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Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam - challenges for ethnic minorities in mountainous forest regions. Geografica Helvetica. 61(4):255-265.
2006. Land Grabbing in Cambodia: Narratives, Mechanisms, Resistance. Global Land Grabbing II. :1-22.
2012. .
The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 26(6):1085-1103.
2013. Reversing Land Grabs or Aggravating Tenure Insecurity? Competing Perspectives on Economic Land Concessions and Land Titling in Cambodia Law and Development Review. 7(1):49-77.
2014. Resistance to Land Grabbing and Displacement in Rural Cambodia. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (16)
2015. Impact of Government Policies and Corporate Land Grabs on Indigenous People's Access to Common Lands and Livelihood Resilience in Northeast Cambodia. Land. 7(4):1-20.
2018. Tsunami, tourism and threats to local livelihoods: The case of indigenous sea nomads in Southern Thailand. Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management. 19:141-164.
2018. Tsunami, tourism and threats to local livelihoods: The case of indigenous sea nomads in Southern Thailand. Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management. 19:141-164.
2018. Contested land restitution processes in Cambodia. Land. 10(5):1-14.
2021. After the rubber boom: A cautionary tale from Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :417-429.
2023. Conceptualizing contract farming in the global land grabbing debate. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :128-142.
2023. Corridors of Connectivity and the Infrastructural Land Rush in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :333-344.
2023. Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.
2023. Green territoriality and resource extraction in Cambodia. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :159-172.