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Laovakul D.  2015.  Concentration of land and other wealth in Thailand. Unequal Thailand : aspects of income, wealth, and power. :32-42.
Pubellier C, Andersen KEwers, Bora N, Mikkola K, White P, Moniroth L.  2015.  Impact Evaluation of Finnish Support to the Land Sector in Cambodia in 1997-2013. :1-197.
Gironde C, Peeters A.  2015.  Land Acquisitions in Northeastern Cambodia: Space and Time matters. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (24):i-iii,1-29.
Portilla GSentíes.  2015.  Land concessions and rural youth in southern Laos. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (9):i-iii,1-26.
Hett C, Nanhthavong V, Saphangthong T, Robles GRodriguez, Phouangphet K, Speller W, Messerli P, Epprecht M, Heinimann A.  2015.  Land deals in Laos: First insights from a new nationwide initiative to assess the quality of investments in land. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (18):i-iii,1-26.
Hunsberger C, Corbera E, Borras_Jr. SM, de la Rosa R, Eang V, Franco JC, Herre R, Kham SSam, Park C, Pred D et al..  2015.  Land-based climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: understanding intersections and linkages, exploring actions for change. (1):1-26.
Hunsberger C, Corbera E, Borras_Jr. SM, de la Rosa R, Eang V, Franco JC, Herre R, Kham SSam, Park C, Pred D et al..  2015.  Land-based climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: understanding intersections and linkages, exploring actions for change. (1):1-26.
Diepart J-C, Doch S, Hak S, Ham K, Heng C, Heng K, Jones RW, Kim N, Kim S, Kleinpeter V et al..  2015.  Learning for Resilience: Insights from Cambodia's Rural Communities. :i-xvi,1-272.
Faxon H, Furlong R, Phyu MSabe.  2015.  Reinvigorating resilience: violence against women, land rights, and the women's peace movement in Myanmar. Gender and Development. 23(3):463-479.
Polack E, Cotula L, Blackmore E, Guttal S.  2014.  Agricultural Investments in Southeast Asia: Legal tools for public accountability. :i-iv,1-25.
Dhiaulhaq A, Yasmi Y, Gritten D, Kelley L, Chandet H.  2014.  Land grabbing and forest conflict in Cambodia: Implications for community and sustainable forest management. Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues. :205-216.
Gillespie J, Hualing F, Pham_Duy_Nghia _.  2014.  Land-Taking Disputes in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis and Implications for Vietnam. :1-60.
Diepart J-C, Pilgrim J, Dulioust J.  2014.  Migrations. Atlas of Cambodia: Maps on Socio-Economic Development and Environment. :89-96.
Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mahanty S, Dressler WH.  2014.  ‘A new landlord’ (địa chủ mới)? Community, land conflict and State Forest Companies (SFCs) in Vietnam Forest Policy and Economics. :1-8.
Rammohan A, Pritchard B.  2014.  The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar. World Development. 64:597-608.
Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mahanty S, Dressler W.  2014.  Social Networks of Corruption in the Vietnamese and Lao Cross-Border Timber Trade. Anthropological Forum. 24(2):1-21.
Dhiaulhaq A, De_Bruyn T, Wiset K, Thaworn R, Gritten D, Yasmi Y, Kritsanarangsan S, Soontornwong S.  2014.  Transformative mediation, a tool for maximising the positives out of forest conflict: A case study from Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Forests Under Pressure - Local Respones to Global Issues. :285-297.
Colchester M, Chao S, Dallinger J, Toh SMei, Kiev C, Saptaningrum I, Ramirez M_A, Pulhin J.  2013.  Agribusiness Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Human Rights in Southeast Asia. (August):1-156.
Pham_Huu_Ty _, Van Westen A.C.M., Zoomers A.  2013.  Compensation and Resettlement Policies after Compulsory Land Acquisition for Hydropower Development in Vietnam: Policy and Practice. Land. 2(4):678-704.
Sturgeon JC, Menzies NK, Lagerqvist YFujita, Thomas D, Ekasingh B, Lebel L, Phanvilay K, Thongmanivong S.  2013.  Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
Sikor T, Auld G, Bebbington AJ, Benjaminsen TA, Gentry BS, Hunsberger C, Izac A-M, Margulis ME, Plieninger T, Schroeder H et al..  2013.  Global land governance: From territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 5(5):522-527.
Padwe J.  2013.  Highlands of history: Indigenous identity and its antecedents in Cambodia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):282-295.
Paglietti L, Sabrie R.  2013.  Review of smallholder lingkages for inclusive agribusiness development. :i-xiv,1-84.
Bugalski N, Pred D.  2013.  Safeguarding Tenure: Lessons from Cambodia and Papua New Guinea for the World Bank Safeguards Review. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-23.
Baver J, Jonveaux B, Pushkar K, Lila S, Shinjiyasui W.  2013.  Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar. (May):1-171.
