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2011. .
Community Forestry in Cease-Fire Zones in Kachin State, Northern Burma: Formalizing Collective Property in Contested Ethnic Areas. CAPRi Workshop on Collective Action, Property Rights, and Conflict in Natural Resources Management. :1-20.
2010. .
2010. .
2009. .
Towards Improved Land Governance. (September):i-iv,1-55.
2009. .
Northern Thailand's specter of eviction. Critical Asian Studies. 40(3):373-397.
2008. Civil society and interdependencies: Towards a regional political ecology of Mekong development. Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global. :226-246.
2006. Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam - challenges for ethnic minorities in mountainous forest regions. Geografica Helvetica. 61(4):255-265.
2006. Farmers, foresters and forest temples: conservation in the Dong Mun uplands, Northeast Thailand. Geoforum. 36(6):735-749.
2005. .