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Filters: Author is Baird, Ian G. and Key Term is MarginalisedPeople [Clear All Filters]
Indigenous communal land titling, the microfinance industry, and agrarian change in Ratanakiri Province, Northeastern Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. :27pp..
2023. 'Indigenous Peoples' and land: Comparing communal land titling and its implications in Cambodia and Laos. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):269-281.
2013. Landscapes of Political Memories: War Legacies and Land Negotiations in Laos. Political Geography. 31(5):290-300.
2012. Turning Land into Capital, Turning People into Labor: Primitive Accumulation and the Arrival of Large-Scale Economic Land Concessions in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry. 5(1):10-26.