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Filters: Author is Turner, Sarah and Key Term is MarginalisedPeople [Clear All Filters]
Entangled, unraveled, and reconfigured: Human–animal relations among ethnic minority farmers and water buffalo in the northern uplands of Vietnam. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. 6(4):2472-2494.
2023. Ethnic minority livelihoods contesting state visions of 'ideal farmers' in Vietnam's northern borderlands. Journal of Political Ecology. 30(1):448-470.
2023. Challenging slopes: ethnic minority livelihoods, state visions, and land-use land cover change in Vietnam’s northern mountainous borderlands. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 24:2412-2431.
2021. .
Mapping mountain diversity: Ethnic minorities and land use land cover change in Vietnam's borderlands. Land Use Policy. 41:484-497.
2014. ‘A good wife stays home’: gendered negotiations over state agricultural programmes, upland Vietnam. Gender, Place & Culture. 21(December 2014):1302-1320.