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Building the Politics Machine: Tools for ‘Resolving’ the Global Land Grab. Development and Change. 44(2):309-333.
2013. Micro-Geopolitics: Capitalising Security in Laos's Golden Quadrangle. Geopolitics. 19:377-405.
2013. The Formalization Fix? Land titling, state land concessions, and the politics of spatial transparency in contemporary Cambodia The Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-26.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. The role of remote sensing for understanding large-scale rubber concession expansion in Southern Laos. Land. 7(2):1-20.
2018. State Spaces of Resistance: Industrial Tree Plantations and the Struggle for Land in Laos. Antipode. 50(5):1290-1310.
2018. “They will not automatically benefit”: The politics of infrastructure development in Laos's Northern Economic Corridor. Political Geography. 78:1-12.
2020. What is a Green Economy? Review of National-Level Green Economy Policies in Cambodia and Lao PDR Sustainability. 12(16):1-20.
2020. .
Making concessions pay? Historical vs. potential tax revenues from Laos's rubber sector World Development. 172(September):106359.