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The new enclosures: Critical perspectives on corporate land deals. Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(3-4):619-647.
2012. Towards Understanding the Politics of Flex Crops and Commodities. Transnational Institute (TNI) Agrarian Justice Program. (1):1-16.
2014. .
Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’ The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):467-488.
2015. The challenge of locating land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation politics within a social justice perspective: towards an idea of agrarian climate justice. Third World Quarterly. 39(7):1308-1325.
2018. Land control and crop booms inside China: implications for how we think about the global land rush. Globalizations. 15(1):134-151.
2018. .
Transnational land investment web: land grabs, TNCs, and the challenge of global governance. Globalizations. 17(4):608-628.
2020. .
The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions. Land Use Policy. 119:106199.