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The agrarian transition in the Mekong Region: pathways towards sustainable land systems. Journal of Land Use Science. 19(1):1-23.
2024. Comparative Analysis of the Customary Tenure Pilots in Viet Nam: Key processes and lessons learned. MRLG. Case Study:38p..
2024. Decentralization of Vietnam's forestlands: The policy process and impact. Land Use Policy. 143(December 2023):107194.
2024. Expanding Protected Areas Globally Post-2020: A Critical Perspective from Thailand, with Implications for Community Forestry. Critical Asian Studies. 56(3):371-402.
2024. Global Security of Property Rights. (October):46p..
2024. Indigenous collective land titling and the creation of leftovers: Insights from Paraguay and Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 24(1):1-24.
2024. .
2024. Inter-village land conflicts in Laos’ upland frontiers: From state territorialization to powers of exclusion. Geoforum. 150(103966)
2024. “It doesn't matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 139:107089.
2024. Land Titling and Microcredit in Cambodia: Examining the Reality of Hernando de Soto’s ‘Three Steps to Heaven’. Land. 13(4):1-31.
2024. .
2024. Understanding the transition of community land use from shifting cultivation to cash cropping in southern Tanintharyi, Myanmar. People and Nature. 6(3):1130-1142.
2024. Women and land rights in Lao PDR. Treasure your matri heritage before it is too late! Where do we land up on gender equality? Gender, Technology and Development. 28(1):123-152.
2024. Ambivalent insurgencies: Citizenship, land politics and development in Hanoi and its periurban fringe. Urban Studies. 60(6):1123-1138.
2023. Communities at the Core of Protected Area Management: Learning from customary tenure documentation experiences in Cambodia. (MRLG Case Study Series #8):1-31.
2023. Conservation for self-determination: Salween Peace Park as an Indigenous Karen conservation initiative. AlterNative. 19(2):271-282.
2023. Debt Threats: A Quantitative Study of Microloan Borrowers in Cambodia's Kampong Speu Province. :1-26.
2023. .
2023. Indigenous communal land titling, the microfinance industry, and agrarian change in Ratanakiri Province, Northeastern Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. :27pp..
2023. Livestreamed land: Scams and certainty in Myanmar's digital land market. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 42(4)
2023. The recognition and formalization of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region: a Polanyian perspective. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):211-226.
2023. Shifting Sands, Land from the Sea: A Microhistory of Coastal Land Titling in Thailand. Ethnos. :1-21.
2023. Silent transitions: Commercialization and changing customary land tenure systems in upland Laos. Land Use Policy. 126(106541):1-9.
2023. The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(4):1529-1548.
2023. .