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Nguyen_Quang_Phuc _, Van Westen A.C.M., Zoomers A.  2014.  Agricultural land for urban development: The process of land conversion in Central Vietnam. Habitat International. 41:1-7.
Baird IG.  2014.  Degraded forest, degraded land and the development of industrial tree plantations in Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 35(3):328-344.
Byerlee D.  2014.  The Fall and Rise Again of Plantations in Tropical Asia: History Repeated? Land. 3(3):574-597.
Scheidel A, Farrell KN, Ramos-Martin J, Giampietro M, Mayumi K.  2014.  Land poverty and emerging ruralities in Cambodia: Insights from Kampot province. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 16(4):823-840.
Deutsche_Gesellschaft_für_Internationale_Zusammenarbeit(GIZ).  2014.  Participation in and Impacts of Participatory Land Use Planning and Village Development Planning. :1-44.
Transnational_Institute(TNI).  2014.  Pro-business or Pro-Poor? Making Sense of the Recently Unveiled Draft National Land Use Policy (October):1-24.
Centre_for_Development_Oriented_Research_in_Agriculture_and_Livelihood_Systems(CENTDOR).  2014.  Rice-Based Farming Practices in three Provinces Kampong Speu, Kampot and Takeo, Cambodia. :1-76.
Rammohan A, Pritchard B.  2014.  The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar. World Development. 64:597-608.
To_Xuan_Phuc _, Tran_Huu_Nghi _.  2014.  Rubber Expansion and Forest Protection in Vietnam. :i-viii,1-44.
Fox JM, Castella JChristophe, Ziegler AD, Westley SB.  2014.  Rubber plantations expand in mountainous Southeast Asia: What are the consequences for the environment? Asia Pacific IssuesAsia Pacific Issues. (114):1-8.
Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP), International_Work_Group_for_Indigenous_Affairs(IWGIA).  2014.  Shifting Cultivation, Livelihood and Food Security: New and Old Challenges for Indigenous Peoples in Asia. :1-11.
Haggblade S, Boughton D, Cho KMar, Denning G, Kloeppinger-Todd R, Oo Z, Sandar TMin, Than TMaung, Wai N_E_M_A, Wilson S et al..  2014.  Strategic Choices Shaping Agricultural Performance and Food Security in Myanmar. Journal of International Affairs. 67(2):55-71.
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC, Isakson R, Levidow L, Vervest P.  2014.  Towards Understanding the Politics of Flex Crops and Commodities. Transnational Institute (TNI) Agrarian Justice Program. (1):1-16.
McAllister K.  2015.  Allocation or appropriation? How spatial and temporal fragmentation of land allocation policies facilitates land grabbing in Northern Laos Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (76):i-iii,1-20.
Thi_Thanh_Hiên_Pham _, Turner S, Trincsi K.  2015.  Applying a Systematic Review to Land Use Land Cover Change in Northern Upland Vietnam: The Missing Case of the Borderlands. Geographical Research. 53(4):419-435.
Woods K.  2015.  Commercial Agriculture Expansion in Myanmar: Links to Deforestation, Conversion Timber, and Land Conflicts. Forest Trend Report Series. (i-xv, 1-58)
Rillo AD, Sombilla MA.  2015.  Enhancing Agricultural Productivity of CLMV Countries: Challenges and Agenda for Reforms. ADBI Working Paper Series. (542):1-26.
Nguyen_Le_Phuong _, Nguyen_Mau_Dung _.  2015.  FDI Flows and Local Livelihoods in Northern Vietnam-A Case Study in Van Duong Commune of Bac Ninh Province. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management. 5(11):22-37.
Se_Bin_Kim _, Alounsavath O.  2015.  Forest policy measures influence on the increase of forest cover in northern Laos. Forest Science and Technology. 11(3):166-171.
Vongpraseuth T, Gyu C.  2015.  Globalization, foreign direct investment, and urban growth management: Policies and conflicts in Vientiane, Laos. Land Use Policy. 42:790-799.
McMichael P.  2015.  The Land Question in the Food Sovereignty Project. Globalizations. 12(4):434-451.
