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Dynamics of Agrarian Systems and Land Use Change in North Vietnam. Land Degradation and Development. 28(3):799-810.
2017. .
2017. Drivers of transaction costs affecting participation in the rental market for cropland in Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 60(3):476-492.
2016. Inter- and intra-farm land fragmentation in Viet Nam. (11):i-iii,1-27.
2016. Land Inequality or Productivity: What Mattered in Southern Vietnam after 1975? Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies. 3(2):300-319.
2016. .
2016. Linking Food and Land Tenure Security in the Lao PDR. (January):i-viii,1-27.
2016. The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24. (4.72 MB)
2016. Scenarios of land system change in the Lao PDR: Transitions in response to alternative demands on goods and services provided by the land. Applied Geography. 75:1-11.
2016. .
2016. .
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Concentration of land and other wealth in Thailand. Unequal Thailand : aspects of income, wealth, and power. :32-42.
2015. The fragmentation of land tenure systems in Cambodia: peasants and the formalization of land rights. :1-36.
2015. Land issues in Vietnam 2006–14: Markets, property rights, and investment. UNU-WIDER Working Paper. (September):i-ii,1-22.
2015. Myanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development. (May):i-xvii,1-112.
2015. The political economy of land governance in Cambodia. :32. (504.4 KB)
2015. The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23. (497.76 KB)
2015. The political economy of land governance in Myanmar. :32. (568.45 KB)
2015. The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52. (703.1 KB)
2015. .
2014. .
Land poverty and emerging ruralities in Cambodia: Insights from Kampot province. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 16(4):823-840.
2014. Mapping mountain diversity: Ethnic minorities and land use land cover change in Vietnam's borderlands. Land Use Policy. 41:484-497.