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Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia. :i-xx,1-300.
2016. The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24.
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2016. .
2016. .
Analyzing the enabling environment for transforming forest landscape conflicts: the example of Lao PDR. Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land Governance—Towards an Evidence-Based Approach. (March):1-27.
2017. Forest, water and people: The roles and limits of mediation in transforming watershed conflict in Northern Thailand. Forest and Society. 1(2):44-59.
2017. Ill Fares the Land: Reparations for Housing, Land, and Property Rights Violations in Myanmar. Harvard Human Rights Journal. 30:129-164.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar. (Myanmar Policy Briefing #20):1-34.
2017. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Cambodia. :i-v,1-52.
2017. The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Lao PDR. (October):i-vi,1-58.
2017. The challenge of locating land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation politics within a social justice perspective: towards an idea of agrarian climate justice. Third World Quarterly. 39(7):1308-1325.
2018. Frontier Capitalism and Politics of Dispossession in Myanmar: The Case of the Mwetaung (Gullu Mual) Nickel Mine in Chin State. Austrian Journal of South East Asia. 11(1):13-34.
2018. Holding corporations from middle countries accountable for human rights violations: a case study of the Vietnamese company investment in Cambodia. Globalizations. 15(1):152-167.
2018. Housing, Land and Property Rights and Peace Agreements: Guidance for the Myanmar Peace Process. :1-31.
2018. In the land of wise old men: experiences of young women activists in Myanmar. Gender and Development. 26(3):459-476.
2018. Nested Interconnection: Transgressing Community-Based Natural Resource Management towards Innovating Collective Landscape Mobilization. 2018 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-20.
2018. .
2018. Rule of Law Expedited: Land Title Reform and Justice in Burma (Myanmar). Asian Studies Review. 42(2):229-246.
2018. State Spaces of Resistance: Industrial Tree Plantations and the Struggle for Land in Laos. Antipode. 50(5):1290-1310.
2018. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. International Organization. :1-17.
2018. The dark underbelly of land struggles: the instrumentalization of female activism and emotional resistance in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 51(1):103-119.
2019. “Extremely Rightful” Resistance: Land Appropriation and Rural Agitation in Contemporary Vietnam. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49(3):343-364.
2019. From boomerangs to minefields and catapults: dynamics of trans-local resistance to land-grabs. Journal of Peasant Studies. 46(1):188-216.