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Davis KFrankel, Yu K, Rulli MCristina, Pichdara L, D'Odorico P.  2015.  Accelerated deforestation driven by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia. Nature Geoscience. 8:772-775.
Thi_Thanh_Hiên_Pham _, Turner S, Trincsi K.  2015.  Applying a Systematic Review to Land Use Land Cover Change in Northern Upland Vietnam: The Missing Case of the Borderlands. Geographical Research. 53(4):419-435.
Milne S.  2015.  Cambodia's Unofficial Regime of Extraction: Illicit Logging in the Shadow of Transnational Governance and Investment. Critical Asian Studies. 47(2):200-228.
Woods K.  2015.  Commercial Agriculture Expansion in Myanmar: Links to Deforestation, Conversion Timber, and Land Conflicts. Forest Trend Report Series. (i-xv, 1-58)
Global_Witness _.  2015.  The Cost of Luxury: Cambodia’s illegal trade in precious wood with China. (February):1-32.
Ahrends A, Hollingsworth PM, Ziegler AD, Fox JM, Chen H, Su Y, Xu J.  2015.  Current trends of rubber plantation expansion may threaten biodiversity and livelihoods. Global Environmental Change. 34:48-58.
Le_Quang_Trung _, Vu_Tan_Phuong _, Yang A, Vo_Dai_Hai _.  2015.  The distribution of powers and responsibilities affecting forests, land use, and REDD+ across levels and sectors in Vietnam: A legal study. :i-x,1-76.
Se_Bin_Kim _, Alounsavath O.  2015.  Forest policy measures influence on the increase of forest cover in northern Laos. Forest Science and Technology. 11(3):166-171.
Work C.  2015.  Intersections of Climate Change Mitigation Policies, Land Grabbing and Conflict in a Fragile State: Insights from Cambodia. :1-34.
Woods K.  2015.  Intersections of land grabs and climate change mitigation strategies in Myanmar as a (post-) war state of conflict. :1-38.
McMichael P.  2015.  The Land Question in the Food Sovereignty Project. Globalizations. 12(4):434-451.
Duangjai W, Schmidt-Vogt D, Shrestha RP.  2015.  Land Use Policy Farmers’ land use decision-making in the context of changing land and conservation policies: A case study of Doi Mae Salong in Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand. Land Use Policy. 48:179-189.
Hunsberger C, Corbera E, Borras_Jr. SM, de la Rosa R, Eang V, Franco JC, Herre R, Kham SSam, Park C, Pred D et al..  2015.  Land-based climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: understanding intersections and linkages, exploring actions for change. (1):1-26.
Diepart J-C, Doch S, Hak S, Ham K, Heng C, Heng K, Jones RW, Kim N, Kim S, Kleinpeter V et al..  2015.  Learning for Resilience: Insights from Cambodia's Rural Communities. :i-xvi,1-272.
Xuan P, Mahanty S, Dressler WH.  2015.  'A new landlord'? Community, land conflict and State Forest Companies (SFCs) in Vietnam Forest Policy and Economics. 58:21-28.
Turner S, Thi_Thanh_Hiên_Pham _.  2015.  “Nothing Is Like It Was Before”: The Dynamics between Land-Use and Land-Cover, and Livelihood Strategies in the Northern Vietnam Borderlands. Land. 4(4):1030-1059.
Scurrah N, Hirsch P.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Cambodia. :32. (504.4 KB)
Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23. (497.76 KB)
Scurrah N, Hirsch P, Woods K.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Myanmar. :32. (568.45 KB)
