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2013. .
Micro-Geopolitics: Capitalising Security in Laos's Golden Quadrangle. Geopolitics. 19:377-405.
2013. National Updates on Agribusiness Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Southeast Asia Brief. Brief #8 of 8: Union of Burma. Agribusiness large-scale land acquisitions and human rights in Southeast Asia - Updates from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Burma. :140-157.
2013. The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 26(6):1085-1103.
2013. .
2013. .
2013. Self-sufficiency or surplus: Conflicting local and national rural development goals in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 34:342-352.
2013. Sugar Rush: Land rights and the supply chains of the biggest food and beverage companies. Oxfam Briefing Note. :1-24.
2013. .
2013. .
2013. .
2013. Agribusiness and land grabs in Myanmar. Mekong Commons. :1.
2014. .
2014. Cambodia Development Review - Complete issue March 2014. Cambodia Development Review. 18(1):1-24.
2014. .
2014. The Fall and Rise Again of Plantations in Tropical Asia: History Repeated? Land. 3(3):574-597.
2014. Foreign investment, law and sustainable development: A handbook on agriculture and extractive industries. :i-x,1-160.
2014. .
2014. Land grabbing and forest conflict in Cambodia: Implications for community and sustainable forest management. Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues. :205-216.
2014. Land ownership and land conflict in Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Pursat and Prey Veng provinces, Cambodia. (August):1-22.
2014. Land poverty and emerging ruralities in Cambodia: Insights from Kampot province. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 16(4):823-840.
2014. Land Situation in Cambodia 2013. (April):i-iii,1-47.
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