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Protected area co-management and land use conflicts adjacent to Phu Kao – Phu Phan Kham National Park, Thailand. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 38(5):486-507.
2019. Protests, Regulations, and Environmental Accountability in Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):33-54.
2019. Persistence and Change In Hakha Chin Land and Resource Tenure: A Study on Land Dynamics in the Periphery of Hakha. :i-xxxviii,1-158.
2018. Postcolonial Capitalism and the Politics of Dispossession: Political Trajectories in Southern Myanmar. European Journal of East Asian Studies. 17(2):193-227.
2018. Program participation in a targeted land distribution program and household outcomes: evidence from Vietnam. Review of Economics of the Household. 16:41-74.
2018. The political ecology of cross-sectoral cumulative impacts: modern landscapes, large hydropower dams and industrial tree plantations in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):769-795.
2017. Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1257-1270.
2017. .
2017. Policy-driven rubber plantation and its driving factors: a case of smallholders in northeast Thailand. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. :1-12.
2016. The political economy of land governance in Viet Nam. :24.
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Popular Resistance in Cambodia: The Rationale Behind Government Response. Asian Politics & Policy. 8(4):593-613.
2016. Public participation, land use and climate change governance in Thailand. Land Use Policy. 52:511-517.
2016. Partial Land Rights and Agricultural Outcomes: Evidence from Thailand. Land Economics. 91(1):126-148.
2015. The political economy of land governance in Cambodia. :32.
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The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23.
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The political economy of land governance in Myanmar. :32.
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The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52.
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Politics of Land Grabbing in the Borderland: A Case Study of Chongjom Border Market, Kabcheong District, Surin Province. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (53):i-iii,1-8.
2015. Property Rights and Consumption Volatility: Evidence from a Land Reform in Vietnam. World Development. 71:107-130.
2015. Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam. Land Economics. 91(1):91-105.
2015. .
2015. Participation in and Impacts of Participatory Land Use Planning and Village Development Planning. :1-44.
2014. The peasants in turmoil: Khmer Rouge, state formation and the control of land in northwest Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 41(4):445-468.
2014. Political connections and land-related investment in rural Vietnam. Journal of Development Economics. 110:291-302.
2014. The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Transition. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 44(1):144-170.