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Beban A, Work C.  2014.  The Spirits are Crying: Dispossessing Land and Possessing Bodies in Rural Cambodia. Antipode. 46(3):593-610.
Hickie S.  2014.  Stalled hope? The resource conflict risk to Myanmar’s political and economic transition :1-32.
Lin T., Catacutan D.C., Van_Noordwijk M., Finlayson R.F., Rogel C.N., Orencio P..  2021.  State and outlook of agroforestry in ASEAN – Status, trends and outlook 2030 and beyond. :i-xii,1-76.
Hoang_Linh_Nguyen _, Duan J, Liu JHua.  2018.  State Control Versus Hybrid Land Markets: Planning and Urban Development in Transitional Hanoi, Vietnam. Sustainability. 10(9):1-20.
Ogle A, Nguyen_Ngoc_Lung _.  2005.  State Forest Enterprise Reform in Vietnam: Review of Policy and Implementation Framework for Decree 200. (November):i-x,1-38.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2020.  State land concessions and the spatial politics of rural planning. Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State. :467-480.
Ingalls ML, Diepart J-C, Nhu_Truong _, Hayward D, Neil T, Phomphakdy C, Bernhard R, Epprecht M, Nanhthavong V, Vo DH et al..  2018.  State of Land in the Mekong Region. :i-xviii,1-190.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO), United_Nations_Environmental_Programme_Cambodia(UNEP).  2020.  The State of the World's Forests: Forests, Diversity and People. :a-b,i-xxii,1-190.
Kenney-Lazar M, Suhardiman D, Dwyer MB.  2018.  State Spaces of Resistance: Industrial Tree Plantations and the Struggle for Land in Laos. Antipode. 50(5):1290-1310.
Research_Advocacy_and_Information_Center(RACC).  2016.  Statistical Analysis of Land Disputes in Cambodia, 2015. :i-vi,1-45.
Saracini N, Asbirk S, Sørensen MLund, Haakansson M, Ulmer K.  2011.  Stolen Land Stolen Future: A Report on Land Grabbing in Cambodia. :1-23.
Michigan_State_University(MSU), Myanmar_Development_Resource_Institutes_Center_for_Economic_and_Social_Development(MDRI/CESD).  2013.  A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar. :1-96.
Haggblade S, Boughton D, Cho KMar, Denning G, Kloeppinger-Todd R, Oo Z, Sandar TMin, Than TMaung, Wai N_E_M_A, Wilson S et al..  2014.  Strategic Choices Shaping Agricultural Performance and Food Security in Myanmar. Journal of International Affairs. 67(2):55-71.
Tim S, Providoli I, Sien T, Yim S, Kim S, Liniger H.  2023.  Strengthening climate resilience of rural communities by co-producing landscape-specific integrated farming systems in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):152-175.
Hunt G, Leonard SN.  2023.  The struggle for forest tenure in Myanmar: voices from the 2019 forest rules consultation. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):296-314.
Diepart J-C, Ngin C, Oeur I.  2019.  Struggles for Life: Smallholder Farmers’ Resistance and State Land Relations in Contemporary Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):10-32.
Schoenberger L.  2017.  Struggling against excuses: winning back land in Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):870-890.
Andersen KEwers.  2015.  Study of Upland Customary Communal Tenure in Chin and Shan States: Outline of a Pilot Approach towards Cadastral Registration of Customary Communal Land Tenure in Myanmar. :i-iii,1-142.
Mahaphonh N, Ngaosrivathana P, Phimphachanh M, Chittasupha S, Pasay S, Jones P.  2007.  Study on Land Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Lao PDR. (9):i-vi,1-63.
Thorpe J.  2013.  Sugar Rush: Land rights and the supply chains of the biggest food and beverage companies. Oxfam Briefing Note. :1-24.
Nguyen_Ngoc_Anh _, Nguyen_Duc_Nhat _, Tran_Thanh_Thuy _, Prickett K, Phan_Thi_Van _.  2010.  Survey Report on Information Disclosure of Land Management Regulations. :1-86.
Beban A, Gironde C.  2023.  Surviving cassava: smallholder farmer strategies for coping with market volatility in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):109-127.
International_Fund_for_Agricultural_Development(IFAD), PROCASUR_Corporation _, Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP).  2013.  Sustainable bamboo forestry management and communal land titles in Sangthong District: The experience of Huay Hang and Napor Villages. :1-16.
Schneider F, Feurer M, Lundsgaard-Hansen LMaria, Win_Myint _, Cing_Don_Nuam _, Nydegger K, Oberlack C, Nwe_Nwe_Tun _, Zähringer JGwendolin, Aung_Myin_Tun _ et al..  2020.  Sustainable Development Under Competing Claims on Land: Three Pathways Between Land-Use Changes, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being. European Journal of Development Research. 32(2):316-337.
Asian_Development_Bank(ADB).  2017.  Sustainable Land Management in Asia: Introducing the Landscape Approach. :i-xiii,1-57.
