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Thinh_An_Nguyen _, Le H, Slack P, Kalacska M, Turner S.  2024.  Forest Tales? Unravelling Divergent Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) Maps and State Narratives in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands Land. 13(1)
Lattanan P, Areeprachakun P, Patnukao A, Cheewinsiriwat P, Barlow J, Shin HBang, Rigg J.  2024.  From causality to blame: exploring flooding, factories and land conversion in Eastern Thailand. Australian Geographer. 55(2):203-227.
Nizalov D, Langdown I, Childress M, Locke A, Kolodiazhnyi I, Burak A.  2024.  Global Security of Property Rights. (October):46p..
Baird IG.  2024.  Going organic: Challenges for government-supported organic rice promotion and certification nationalism in Thailand. World Development. 173:106421.
Cook BR, Satizábal P, Touch V, McGregor A, Diepart J-C, Utomo A, Harrigan N, McKinnon K, Srean P, Thong_Anh_Tran _ et al..  2024.  Historical Agrarian Change and its Connections to Contemporary Agricultural Extension in Northwest Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 56(1):25-52.
Zar_Chi_Aye _, Castella J-C, Xiong M, Phimmasone S, Ehrensperger A.  2024.  How to measure agroecology? A rapid appraisal approach based on focus group discussions Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. :1-34.
Seemuangngam A, Lin HLiang.  2024.  The impact of urbanization on urban flood risk of Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Applied Geography. 162:103152.
Leemann E, Tusing C.  2024.  Indigenous collective land titling and the creation of leftovers: Insights from Paraguay and Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 24(1):1-24.
Gyorvary S, Werakultawan S.  2024.  Indigenous Women's Customary Land Tenure: A Study of Three Communities in Northern Thailand. :85p..
Yi R, W. Green N.  2024.  Intensifying translocal precarity: The impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers' commodity production and social reproduction in Cambodia. Area. (June)
Suhardiman D, Lampe AMaria, Gueguen A.  2024.  Inter-village land conflicts in Laos’ upland frontiers: From state territorialization to powers of exclusion. Geoforum. 150(103966)
Lambrecht IBrigitte, Nang_Lun_Kham_Synt _, Hnin_Ei_Win _, Mahrt K, Khin_Zin_Win _.  2024.  “It doesn't matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 139:107089.
Joshi S.  2024.  ‘Land for my children’: Gendered moral economies, social reproduction and resistance against land grabs in rural Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 24(3):1-22.
International_Panel_Of_Experts_On_Sustainable_Food_Systems _.  2024.  Land Squeeze: What is driving unprecedented pressures on farmland and what can be done to achieve equitable access to land? :86pp.
Bateman M.  2024.  Land Titling and Microcredit in Cambodia: Examining the Reality of Hernando de Soto’s ‘Three Steps to Heaven’. Land. 13(4):1-31.
Aung_Naing _.  2024.  Land, Violence and Subjugation in Myanmar.
Kwon Y, Sath K.  2024.  Legal Analysis: An Examination of Cambodia's Environment and Natural Resources Code (2023) - Changes to Governance of Protected Area and Community Area Management and Remaining Challenges (ClientEarth). :23pp..
Beban A, Martignoni JBourke.  2024.  The lucky and unlucky daughter: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 24(2):1-22.
Baird IG.  2024.  “Organic” rice: different implications from process and product environmental verification approaches in Laos and Thailand. Agriculture and Human Values. 41:1417-1430.
Daley E, Campbell NY, Lowry J.  2024.  Outlook on Gender and Land in the Mekong Region. (January):1-85.
Su_Mon_San _, Kumar N, Biber-Freudenberger L, Schmitt CB.  2024.  Policy Evaluation and Monitoring of Agricultural Expansion in Forests in Myanmar: An Integrated Approach of Remote Sensing Techniques and Social Surveys. Land. 13(2)
ASEAN _, LICA _, ESCAP _, FAO _, Cirad _.  2024.  Policy Guidelines on Agroecology Transitions in ASEAN. (August):1-43.
Woods K.  2024.  Smallholder Cash Cropping Expansion and the Privatization of Communal Forestland in Southeast Myanmar. East-West Center Asia Pacific Issues. 27(166):1-8.
Touch V, Tan DKY, Cook BR, Liu DLi, Cross R, Tran TAnh, Utomo A, Yous S, Grünbühel C, Cowie A.  2024.  Smallholder farmers’ challenges and opportunities: Implications for agricultural production, environment and food security. Journal of Environmental Management. 370:122536.
Loughlin N, Milne S.  2024.  Speculative land grabs and Chinese investment: Cambodia’s evolving regime of dispossession. Globalizations. :1-19.
