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Land Acquisition in Transitional Hanoi, Vietnam. Urban Studies. 45(5&6):1097-1117.
2008. Land in Transition: Reform and Poverty in Rural Vietnam. :i-xii,1-205.
2008. Land titling and poverty reduction in Southeast Asia: realising markets or realising rights? Australian Journal of International Affairs. 62(3):332-344.
2008. Land Titling and Rural Transition in Vietnam. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 56(3):531-579.
2008. Northern Thailand's specter of eviction. Critical Asian Studies. 40(3):373-397.
2008. The Origins and Influence of Land Property Rights in Vietnam. Development Policy Review. 26(3):339-363.
2008. Poverty and Agrarian-Forest Interactions in Thailand. Geographical Research. 46(1):74-84.
2008. Rethinking Investments in Natural Resources: China’s Emerging Role in the Mekong Region. :i-iv,1-62.
2008. Rights Razed: Forced evictions in Cambodia. (February):1-64.
2008. .
2008. Women’s Land and Property Rights under Customary or Traditional Tenure Systems in Five Ethnic Groups in Lao PDR. (Land Policy Study No. 13 under LLTP II):1-87.
2008. Cambodia Human Development Report 2007: Expanding Choices for Rural People. Human Development. :1-124.
2007. Cambodia Land Titling Rural Baseline Survey Report. (December 2007):1-7.
2007. Contending views and conflicts over land In Vietnam's Red River Delta. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 38(02):309-334.
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2007. The economics of land fragmentation in the north of Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 51:195-211.
2007. The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
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2007. Intertextual relations: The geopolitics of land rights in Thailand. Political Geography. 26(7):775-803.
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2007. Moving Out of Poverty? Trends in community well-being and household mobility in nine Cambodian villages Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). :1-228.
2007. Nature's Materiality and the Circuitous Paths of Accumulation: Dispossession of Freshwater Fisheries in Cambodia. Antipode. 39:167-193.
2007. North versus South: the impact of social norms in the market pricing of private property rights in Vietnam. World Development. 35(12):2079-2095.