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Kerkvliet BJT.  2006.  Agricultural land in Vietnam: Markets tempered by family, community and socialist practices. Journal of Agrarian Change. 6(3):285-305.
Hirsch P.  2006.  Civil society and interdependencies: Towards a regional political ecology of Mekong development. Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global. :226-246.
Huy B.  2006.  Community Forest Management (CFM) in Vietnam: Sustainable Forest Management and Benefit Sharing. International Conference on Managing Forest for Poor Reduction: Capturing Opportunities in Harvesting and Wood Processing for the benefit of the Poor. :1-10.
Keskinen M.  2006.  The Lake with Floating Villages: Socio-economic Analysis of the Tonle Sap Lake. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 22(3):463-480.
Guttal S.  2006.  Land and Natural Resource Alienation in Cambodia Land Tenure and Ownership. Development. 4(November 2004):1-18.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2006.  Land Reform: Land Settlement and Cooperatives. :1-120.
Neef A, Hager J, Wirth T, Schwarzmeier R, Heidhues F.  2006.  Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam - challenges for ethnic minorities in mountainous forest regions. Geografica Helvetica. 61(4):255-265.
Stuart-Fox M.  2006.  The Political Culture of Corruption in the Lao PDR. Asian Studies Review. 30(1):59-75.
Kaino T.  2006.  Rural Credit Markets in Myanmar: A Study of Formal and Non-Formal Lenders. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development. 4(November):1-15.
Adler D, Chhim K, Heang P, Hak S, Heng K, Sou K.  2006.  Towards Institutional Justice? A Review of the Work of Cambodia’s Cadastral Commission in Relation to Land Dispute Resolution :i-xx,1-159.
Stanford J, Franjic A-marie, Abbott P.  2006.  Vietnam Land Administration Project. (May):1-19.
Tran_Nhu_Trung_ _, Anh_Kiet_Dao _, Hyde I, Dang_Hung_Vo _.  2006.  Vietnam Land Registration from Terminology to the Practice. TS 39 – Land Administration Organizations and the Futures. :1-15.
Ho P, Spoor M.  2006.  Whose land? The political economy of land titling in transitional economies Land Use Policy. 23(4):580-587.
Tran_Thi_Que _.  2005.  ANNEX: Land and agricultural land management in Vietnam. Impact of socio-economic changes on the livelihoods of people living in poverty in Vietnam. :175-196.
Wester L, Yongvanit S.  2005.  Farmers, foresters and forest temples: conservation in the Dong Mun uplands, Northeast Thailand. Geoforum. 36(6):735-749.
Vilaymeng P.  2005.  Impact of the Land Allocation Programme on Land Use and Land Management in Lao PDR. Integrated Watershed Management: Studies and Experiences from Asia. (August 2002):657-676.
VanWey LK.  2005.  Land Ownership as a Determinant of International and Internal Migration in Mexico and Internal Migration in Thailand. The International Migration Review. 39(1):141-172.
Ducourtieux O, Laffort J-richard, Sacklokham S.  2005.  Land Policy and Farming Practices in Laos. Development and Change. 36(3):499-526.
Giné X.  2005.  Land Security in Rural Thailand: Evidence from a Property Rights Reform. :1-34.
Kerkvliet BJT.  2005.  The Power of Everyday Politics: How Vietnamese Peasants Transformed National Policy. :1-320.
Zurcher S.  2005.  Public participation in community forest policy in Thailand: The influence of academics as brokers. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography. 105(1):77-88.
Ogle A, Nguyen_Ngoc_Lung _.  2005.  State Forest Enterprise Reform in Vietnam: Review of Policy and Implementation Framework for Decree 200. (November):i-x,1-38.
