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Sothath N, Sophal C, Cambodian_Economic_Association(CEA).  2012.  Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities. (February):i-vii,1-63.
United_Nations_Special_Representative_of_the_Secretary-General_for_Human_Rights_in_Cambodia _.  2007.  Economic land concessions in Cambodia: A human rights perspective. (June):1-35.
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Lam_Minh_Chau _.  2019.  “Extremely Rightful” Resistance: Land Appropriation and Rural Agitation in Contemporary Vietnam. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49(3):343-364.
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Sangawongse S, Fisher R, Prabudhanitisarn S.  2021.  From centralised planning to collaborative urban land use planning: The case of Wat Ket, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 4(1):1-10.
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Einzenberger R.  2018.  Frontier Capitalism and Politics of Dispossession in Myanmar: The Case of the Mwetaung (Gullu Mual) Nickel Mine in Chin State. Austrian Journal of South East Asia. 11(1):13-34.
