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Consequences of the two-price system for land in the land and housing market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Habitat International. 35:30-39.
2011. Customary Law and Practice in Lao PDR. :i-xxv,1-132.
2011. Exploring the Limits of the Judicialization of Urban Land Disputes in Vietnam. Law and Society Review. 45(2):241-276.
2011. Is the Geographies of Evasion hypothesis useful for explaining and predicting the fate of external interventions? The case of REDD in Cambodia Globalization and Development: Rethinking interventions and governance. :1-19.
2011. .
2011. Land Reform and Changing Identities in Two Tai-Speaking Districts in Northern Vietnam. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam and Laos. (Article 14):146-172.
2011. .
2011. Pro-poor land distribution in Cambodia. Rural 21 - International Platform. 45(May):33-35.
2011. Real Estate Market, Property Valuation, Land Taxation and Capacity Building in Cambodia. Fachbeitrag. :40-46.
2011. Realizing Forest Rights in Vietnam: Addressing Issues in Community Forest Management. Realizing Forest Rights in Vietnam: Addressing Issues in Community Forest Management. :i-vi,1-59.
2011. .
2011. .
2011. Tenure Security Interventions in Cambodia: Testing Bebbington's Approach to Development Geography. Geografiska Annaler: Series B. 93(3):223-236.
2011. Thailand's Forest Regulatory Framework in Relation to the Rights and Livelihoods of Forest Dependent People. Critical Review of Selected Forest-Related Regulatory Initiatives: Applying a Rights Perspective. :69-81.
2011. Titling against grabbing? Critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in Southeast Asia International Academic Conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’. (April):1-18.
2011. USAID Country Profile: Property Rights and Resource Governance - Cambodia. USAID Country Profile. :1-27.
2011. .
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2011. Annual Development Review 2010-11. :i-xiv,1-247.
2010. Cambodian peasant's contribution to rural development: a perspective from Kampong Thom Province. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment (BASE). 14(2):321-340.
2010. Community Forestry in Cease-Fire Zones in Kachin State, Northern Burma: Formalizing Collective Property in Contested Ethnic Areas. CAPRi Workshop on Collective Action, Property Rights, and Conflict in Natural Resources Management. :1-20.
2010. Donor-driven land reform in Cambodia – Property rights, planning, and land value taxation. Erdkunde. 64(3):227-239.
2010. .