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United_Nations_Committee_on_Economic_Social_and_Cultural_Rights(CESCR).  2009.  Housing and Land Rights Issues in Cambodia. (April):1-25.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2009.  Industrialization and Urbanization in Vietnam: How Appropriation of Agricultural Land Use Rights Transformed Farmers’ Livelihoods in a Peri-Urban Hanoi Village. 38:1-42.
Land_and_Housing_Working_Group_Cambodia _.  2009.  Land and Housing Rights in Cambodia Parallel Report 2009. 11:1-39.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO).  2009.  Land Grabbing & Poverty in Cambodia: The Myth of Development. :1-30.
Cambodian_Human_Rights_Action_Committee(CHRAC).  2009.  Losing Ground: Forced Evictions and Intimidation in Cambodia. :1-74.
Fox J, Fujita Y, Ngidang D, Peluso N, Potter L, Sakuntaladewi N, Sturgeon J, Thomas D.  2009.  Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human Ecology. 37(3):305-322.
Un K, So S.  2009.  Politics of Natural Resource Use in Cambodia. Asian Affairs: An American Review. 36(August 2014):123-138.
Land_Core_Group(LCG), Food_Security_Working_Group(FSWG).  2009.  The Role of Land Tenure Security for Smallholder Farmers in National Development: A policy discussion brief by the Land Core Group of the Food Security Working Group. :1-12.
Palmer D, Fricska S, Wehrmann B, Augustinus C, Munro-faure P, Törhönen M-petteri, Arial A.  2009.  Towards Improved Land Governance. (September):i-iv,1-55.
Grimsditch M, Henderson N.  2009.  Untitled: Tenure Insecurity and Inequality in the Cambodian Land Sector. :86.
Ministry_of_Planning_Cambodia(MP), United_Nations_Development_Programme_Cambodia(UNDP).  2007.  Cambodia Human Development Report 2007: Expanding Choices for Rural People. Human Development. :1-124.
Cambodia_Development_Resource_Institute(CDRI).  2007.  Cambodia Land Titling Rural Baseline Survey Report. (December 2007):1-7.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2007.  Contending views and conflicts over land In Vietnam's Red River Delta. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 38(02):309-334.
United_Nations_Special_Representative_of_the_Secretary-General_for_Human_Rights_in_Cambodia _.  2007.  Economic land concessions in Cambodia: A human rights perspective. (June):1-35.
Jakobsen J, Rasmussen K, Leisz S, Folving R, Nguyen_Vinh_Quang _.  2007.  The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
Middleton C, Sokleap H.  2007.  Fast-wood Plantations, Economic Concessions and Local Livelihoods in Cambodia. :1-119.
Analyzing_Development_Issues(ADI), Land_Information_Centre _.  2007.  Land Titling and Poverty Reduction: A Study of Two Sanglat in Prey Nup District, Sihanoukville Municipality. :1-50.
FitzGerald I, Sovannarith S, Sophal C, Sithen K, Sokphally T.  2007.  Moving Out of Poverty? Trends in community well-being and household mobility in nine Cambodian villages Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). :1-228.
