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Incentives are not enough! The intricacies of an agroecological transition in upland Cambodia. Conference paper: 16th INRAE, SFER, CIRAD Social Science Research, Clermont-Ferrand, 15-16 December 2022. :1-20.
2022. Indigenous peoples’ responses to land exclusions: emotions, affective links and power relations. Third World Quarterly. 43(3):525-542.
2022. Mechanisms to exclude local people from forests: Shifting power relations in forest transitions. Ambio. 51(4):849-862.
2022. Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR. World Development. 155:105885.
2022. Prospects and limitations of ‘Responsible Agricultural Investment’ for governing transboundary agri-food systems in Mekong Southeast Asia: Implications for upland maize in the Lao-Vietnamese borderlands. Environmental Policy and Governance. 32(4):362-373.
2022. The Prospects for Sustainable Rubber in the Mekong Region: An Assessment of Emerging Initiatives. (Thematic Study No.14):1-36.
2022. Under the canopy of development aid: illegal logging and the shadow state. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-32.
2022. .
2022. The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions. Land Use Policy. 119:106199.
2022. Acacia Plantation Development and the Configuration of Tree Farmers’ Agricultural Assets and Land Management-A Survey in Central Vietnam. Land. 10(12):1-39.
2021. Can traders help farmers transition towards more sustainable maize based farming systems? Evidence from the Lao-Vietnamese border International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 19(3-4):234-254.
2021. .
2021. Economic Development Policies and Land Use Changes in Thailand: From the Eastern Seaboard to the Eastern Economic Corridor. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(11):1-20.
2021. Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-30.
2021. Farming efficiency, cropland rental market and income effect: Evidence from panel data for rural Central Vietnam. European Review of Agricultural Economics. 48(1):207-248.
2021. A feminist methodology for implementing the right to food in agrarian communities: reflections from Cambodia and Ghana. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(7):1459-1484.
2021. Grounding Chinese investment: encounters between Chinese capital and local land politics in Laos. Globalizations. 18(3):422-440.
2021. Introduction to symposium ‘Reimagining land: materiality, affect and the uneven trajectories of land transformation’. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):271-282.
2021. Key Themes in Land Governance: Synopses of Research, Policy and Action in the Mekong Region. :1-144.
2021. Land Grabbing and the Perplexities of Territorial Sovereignty. Political Theory. :1-27.
2021. .
2021. Lao Plantation Policy: Prospects for Change. Forests. 12(8):1-23.
2021. .
2021. Pathways to human well-being in the context of land acquisitions in Lao PDR. Global Environmental Change. 68:1-28.
2021. The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):463-475.