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Ma A, Poe_Ei_Phyu _, Knapman C.  2018.  In the land of wise old men: experiences of young women activists in Myanmar. Gender and Development. 26(3):459-476.
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Manahan MAnn.  2019.  New Challenges and Strategies: In the Defense of Land and Territory. (4):96.
Mark SS.  2016.  Are the Odds of Justice “Stacked” Against Them? Challenges and Opportunities for Securing Land Claims by Smallholder Farmers in Myanmar Critical Asian Studies. 48(3):443-460.
Mark SSue, Belton B.  2020.  Breaking with the past? The politics of land restitution and the limits to restitutive justice in Myanmar Land Use Policy. 94:1-10.
McAllister KE.  2015.  Rubber, rights and resistance: the evolution of local struggles against a Chinese rubber concession in Northern Laos. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):817-837.
McCarthy S.  2018.  Rule of Law Expedited: Land Title Reform and Justice in Burma (Myanmar). Asian Studies Review. 42(2):229-246.
Mekong_Region_Land_Governance _(MRLG), Land_Information_Working_Group _(LIWG).  2021.  Assessment of the new Land Law and Forestry Law in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Focusing on Customary Rights. (April):1-56.
Mellac M, Castellanet C.  2015.  Convergence under pressure: Different routes to private ownership through land reforms in four Mekong countries (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam). :1-43.
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Missingham BD.  2003.  The Assembly of the Poor in Thailand: From Local Struggles to National Protest Movement. :i-viii,1-237.
Muller F-V, Zülsdorf G.  2013.  Old Policies – New Action: A Surprising Political Initiative to Recognize Human Rights in the Cambodian Land Reform. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2013. :1-17.
Myanmar_Centre_for_Responsible_Business(MCRB), Institute_for_Human_Rights_and_Business(IHRB), Danish_Institute_for_Human_Rights(DIHR).  2014.  Myanmar Oil & Gas Sector Wide Impact Assessment - Part 4. Section 1. Stakeholder Engagement & Grievance Mechanisms. :72-82.
