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Zaehringer JG, Lundsgaard-Hansen L, Tun_Tun_Thein _, Llopis JC, Nwe_Nwe_Tun _, Win_Myint _, Schneider F.  2020.  The cash crop boom in southern Myanmar: tracing land use regime shifts through participatory mapping. Ecosystems and People. 16(1):36-49.
Hoang_Quoc_Chinh _, Nguyen_Thi_Hoa _, Nguyen_Thanh_Hien _, Vu_Thi_Bich_Hop _.  2020.  Challenges and opportunities of the EU-Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement for women and civil society. :1-24.
Hayward D, U_Ko_Lwin _, Yang B, U_Htet_Kyu _.  2020.  Chinese Investment into Tissue-Culture Banana Plantations in Kachin State, Myanmar. :1-56.
Kelley LC, Peluso NLee, Carlson KM, Afiff S.  2020.  Circular labor migration and land-livelihood dynamics in Southeast Asia's concession landscapes. Journal of Rural Studies. 73:21-33.
Ivars B, Venot J-P.  2020.  Claiming and re-claiming the Ayeyarwady delta, time and again: The case of Nyaungdone Island, Myanmar. Journal of Political Ecology. 27(1):517-538.
Jr. SMBorras, Franco JC, Zau_Nam _.  2020.  Climate change and land: Insights from Myanmar. World Development. 129:1-11.
Woods K, Treanor NBasik, Dwyer M.  2020.  "Conflict Rubber" and Land Rights in Southeastern Myanmar. :1-13.
Woods KM, Naimark J.  2020.  Conservation as counterinsurgency: A case of ceasefire in a rebel forest in southeast Myanmar. Political Geography. 83:1-11.
Joshi S.  2020.  Contesting land grabs, negotiating statehood: the politics of international accountability mechanisms and land disputes in rural Cambodia. Third World Quarterly. 41(9):1615-1633.
Kongmanee C, Ahmed F, Longpichai O.  2020.  Cost-Benefit Analysis and Challenges of Implementing FSC Standards in Rubber Plantations in Southern Thailand. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. 7(12):423-431.
Kay_Khaing_Lwin _, Ota T, Shimizu K, Mizoue N.  2020.  A country-scale analysis revealed effective land-use zoning affecting forest cover changes in Myanmar. Journal of Forest Research. 25(6):389-396.
Tuyen_Nghiem _, Kono Y, Leisz SJ.  2020.  Crop Boom as a Trigger of Smallholder Livelihood and Land Use Transformations: The Case of Coffee Production in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam. Land. 9(2):1-16.
Global_Witness _.  2020.  Defending Tomorrow: The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders. :1-52.
Magliocca NR, Quy_Van_Khuc _, De_Bremond A, Ellicott EA.  2020.  Direct and indirect land-use change caused by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia. Environmental Research Letters. 15(2):1-10.
Ha_Thu_Vu _, Goto D.  2020.  Does awareness about land tenure security (LTS) increase investments in agriculture? Evidence from rural households in Vietnam Land Use Policy. 97:1-10.
Van_Der_Meer_Simo A., Kanowski P., Barney K..  2020.  Economic Returns to Households Participating in Different Models of Commercial Tree Plantations in Lao PDR. International Forestry Review. 22(1):132-152.
Duc_Anh_Dang _, Kim_Khoi_Dang _, Vuong_Anh_Dang _, Thi_Lan_Vu _.  2020.  The effects of trust and land administration on economic outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-10.
Le_Billon P, Lujala P.  2020.  Environmental and land defenders: Global patterns and determinants of repression. Global Environmental Change. 65:1-16.
Tiwari P, Stillman GB, Yoshino N.  2020.  Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure. :i-xvi,1-409.
Riggs RAnne, Langston JDouglas, Beauchamp E, Travers H, Ken S, Margules C.  2020.  Examining Trajectories of Change for Prosperous Forest Landscapes in Cambodia. Environmental Management. 66:72-90.
Kissinger G.  2020.  Federalism and the Recognition of Indigenous Rights to Land and Natural Resources in Myanmar: Case Studies from Canada, Ethiopia, and Brazil. :1-49.
Nam S.  2020.  Fiction, fraud, and formality: the legal infrastructure of property speculation in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 52(3):364-377.
Minh_Duc_Nguyen _, Ancev T, Randall A.  2020.  Forest governance and economic values of forest ecosystem services in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 97:1-17.
Trong_Hoan_Do _, Tan_Phuong_Vu _, Catacutan D, Van_Truong_Nguyen _.  2020.  Governing Landscapes for Ecosystem Services: A Participatory Land-Use Scenario Development in the Northwest Montane Region of Vietnam. Environmental Management. :1-18.
Malaitham S, Fukuda A, Vichiensan V, Wasuntarasook V.  2020.  Hedonic pricing model of assessed and market land values: A case study in Bangkok metropolitan area, Thailand. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 8(1):153-162.
