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Making place and creating frontiers: Examining land and resource struggles in Cambodian post-conflict resource landscapes. Geographical Journal. 186(3):262-275.
2020. Nobody Owns the Land: How Inheritance Shapes Land Relations in the Central Plain of myanmar. Journal of Burma Studies. 24(1):79-117.
2020. Policies Drive Sub-National Forest Transitions in Vietnam. Forests. 11(10):1-21.
2020. Policies, Strategies, Processes and Frameworks for Scaling Up Sustainable Land Management in Lao PDR. :1-17.
2020. Policy Responses to Direct and Underlying Drivers of Deforestation: Examining Rubber and Coffee in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Forests. 11(7):1-25.
2020. The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics and Uneven Development under Hyperglobalisation. :i-xxv,1-413.
2020. The politics of swidden: A case study from Nghe An and Son La in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 99:1-7.
2020. Poverty trends in villages affected by land-based investments in rural Laos. Applied Geography. 124(October 2019):102298.
2020. Problems for the plantations: Challenges for large-scale land concessions in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 20(3):387-407.
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2020. Reasons for adoption of sustainable land management practices in a changing context: A mixed approach in Thailand. Land Use Policy. 96:1-9.
2020. Reconsidering Land System Changes in Borderlands: Insights from the China-ASEAN Borderland. Problemy Ekorozwoju. 15(1):179-187.
2020. Reconsidering rural land use and livelihood transition under the pressure of urbanization in Vietnam: A case study of Hanoi. Land Use Policy. 99:1-13.
2020. Relations between Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity: Exploring the Effect of Land Registration. Land. 9(5):1-19.
2020. Rental markets, gender, and land certificates: Evidence from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-11.
2020. The role of agroforestry in swidden transitions: a case study in the context of customary land tenure in Central Lao PDR. Agroforestry Systems. 94:1929-1944.
2020. The Rubber Boom Assemblage and Internalized Friction: Attitudes of the Government, NGOs, and Farmers in Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 9(3):381-411.
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2020. Rubber’s Reach: Chinese land investments and state territorialization in the Sino-Lao borderlands. :i-ii,1-147.
2020. Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):301-312.
2020. Scaling the environmental commons: Broadening our frame of reference for transboundary governance in Southeast Asia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(2):190-202.
2020. Securing meaningful life: Women's work and land rights in rural Myanmar. Journal of Rural Studies. 76:76-84.
2020. Slippery land, ever-shifting boundaries: claiming and accessing alluvial (is)lands in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmara. Journal of Political Ecology. 28(1):146-174.
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