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Lu JN.  2020.  Rubber’s Reach: Chinese land investments and state territorialization in the Sino-Lao borderlands. :i-ii,1-147.
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McCarthy S.  2018.  Rule of Law Expedited: Land Title Reform and Justice in Burma (Myanmar). Asian Studies Review. 42(2):229-246.
Schoenberger L, Beban A.  2020.  Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):301-312.
Kaino T.  2006.  Rural Credit Markets in Myanmar: A Study of Formal and Non-Formal Lenders. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development. 4(November):1-15.
Jiao X, Smith-Hall C, Theilade I.  2015.  Rural household incomes and land grabbing in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 48:317-328.
Dung_Duc_Tran _, Thien_Duc_Nguyen _, Park E, Tam_Dan_Nguyen _, Pham_Thi_Anh_Ngoc _, Thang_Tat_Vo _, Au_Hai_Nguyen _.  2023.  Rural out-migration and the livelihood vulnerability under the intensifying drought and salinity intrusion impacts in the Mekong Delta. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 93:103762.
Thawnghmung A_M.  2003.  Rural perceptions of state legitimacy in Burma/Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 30(785022369):1-40.
Castella J-C.  2021.  Rural Roads Are Paving the Way for Land-Use Intensification in the Uplands of Laos. Land. 10(3):1-19.
Belton B, Filipski M.  2019.  Rural transformation in central Myanmar: By how much, and for whom? Journal of Rural Studies. 67:166-176.
International_Land_Coalition(ILC), International_Fund_for_Agricultural_Development(IFAD), Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2004.  Rural Women’s Access to Land and Property in Selected Countries: Progress Towards Achieving the Aims of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. :i-v,1-60.
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Vongvisouk T, Broegaard RBrandt, Mertz O, Thongmanivong S.  2016.  Rush for cash crops and forest protection: Neither land sparing nor land sharing. Land Use Policy. 55:182-192.
Suwansin R, Kuwornu JKM, Datta A, Jourdain D, Shivakoti GP.  2018.  Salvaging mortgage loans and land title redemption with revolving funds in Thailand. Agricultural Finance Review. 78(1):2-24.
Hirsch P.  2020.  Scaling the environmental commons: Broadening our frame of reference for transboundary governance in Southeast Asia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(2):190-202.
Diepart J-C, Nguon R.  2010.  Scaling the landscapes: a methodology to support integrated subnational spatial planning in Cambodia. XXIV FIG 2010. :1-14.
Ornetsmüller C, Verburg PH, Heinimann A.  2016.  Scenarios of land system change in the Lao PDR: Transitions in response to alternative demands on goods and services provided by the land. Applied Geography. 75:1-11.
Asian_NGO_Coalition_for_Agrarian_Reform_and_Rural_Development(ANGOC), Global_Land_Tool_Network(GLTN), United_Nations_Human_Settlements_Programme(UN-H), Makerere_University_School_of_the_Built_Environment(MAK-SBE), Uganda_Community_Based_Association_for_Women_and_Children’s_Welfare(UCOBAC), Village_Focus_International(VFI), Xavier_Science_Foundation(XSF).  2021.  Securing Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers. The Secure Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) Project Experience in Laos, the Philippines, and Uganda. :1-116.
Baver J, Jonveaux B, Pushkar K, Lila S, Shinjiyasui W.  2013.  Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar. (May):1-171.
Faxon HOliva.  2020.  Securing meaningful life: Women's work and land rights in rural Myanmar. Journal of Rural Studies. 76:76-84.
Asian_NGO_Coalition_for_Agrarian_Reform_and_Rural_Development(ANGOC).  2012.  Securing the Right to Land: An overview on Access to Land. :1-238.
Scheidel A, Giampietro M, Ramos-Martin J.  2013.  Self-sufficiency or surplus: Conflicting local and national rural development goals in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 34:342-352.
Mahanty S.  2019.  Shadow Economies and the State: A Comparison of Cassava and Timber Networks on the Cambodia-Vietnam Frontier. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49(2):193-215.
STAR_Kampuchea(SK).  2013.  Shadow Report on Women’s Land Rights in Cambodia - Analysis of the status of compliance with CEDAW articles 14, 15 and 16. :i-v,1-16.
Bourgoin J.  2012.  Sharpening the understanding of socio-ecological landscapes in Participatory Land Use. Applied Geography. 34:99-110.
