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Evans TP, Phanvilay K, Fox J, Vogler J.  2011.  An agent-based model of agricultural innovation, land-cover change and household inequality: the transition from swidden cultivation to rubber plantations in Laos PDR. Journal of Land Use Science. 6(2-3):151-173.
Mund J-P.  2011.  The Agricultural Sector in Cambodia: Trends, Processes and Disparities. Pacific News. (January/February):5.
Springer S.  2011.  Articulated neoliberalism: The specificity of patronage, kleptocracy, and violence in Cambodia's neoliberalization. Environment and Planning A. 43:2554-2570.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2011.  Cambodia and FAO Achievements and success stories. :1-39.
Land_Watch_Asia(LWA).  2011.  Cambodia: Fighting for Land Rights amid Shrinking Democratic Space. :1-8.
Ministry_of_Environment_of_Cambodia(ME), United_Nations_Development_Programme_Cambodia(UNDP).  2011.  Cambodia Human Development Report 2011: Building Resilience - The Future of Rural Livelihoods in the Face of Climate Change. :224.
Yu B, Diao X.  2011.  Cambodia’s Agricultural Strategy: Future Development Options for the Rice Sector - A Policy Discussion Paper. Food Policy. :i-v,1-26.
Löhr D.  2011.  The Cambodian Land Market: Development, Aberrations, and Perspectives. Asien. 120:28-47.
Woods K.  2011.  Ceasefire capitalism: military–private partnerships, resource concessions and military–state building in the Burma–China borderlands. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(October):747-770.
Ratner BD.  2011.  Common-Pool Resources, Livelihoods, and Resilience: Critical Challenges for Governance in Cambodia. :i-iv,1-16.
Andersen KEwers.  2011.  Communal Tenure and the Governance of Common Property Resources in Asia: Lessons from Experiences in Selected Countries. :i-iv,1-45.
Environment_Sustainability_Livelihood _.  2011.  Community Forest Resource Survey Phase II: Greater Project Development Area (GPDA) Vilabouly district, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR. :i-vii,1-80.
World_Bank _.  2011.  Compulsory Land Acquisition and Voluntary Land Conversion in Vietnam. :i-xxi,1-223.
Truong_Thien_Thu _, Perera R.  2011.  Consequences of the two-price system for land in the land and housing market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Habitat International. 35:30-39.
Environmental_Investigation_Agency(EIA).  2011.  Crossroads: The illicit timber trade between Laos and Vietnam. :1-21.
_and_International_Cooperation_Institute(LRICI)Law_Resear.  2011.  Customary Law and Practice in Lao PDR. :i-xxv,1-132.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2011.  Dispossesion, semi-proletarianization and enclosure: primitive accumulation and the land grab in Laos. International Conference on Global Land Grabbing. :1-32.
Amnesty_International _.  2011.  Eviction and Resistance in Cambodia: Five women tell their stories. :1-63.
Gillespie J.  2011.  Exploring the Limits of the Judicialization of Urban Land Disputes in Vietnam. Law and Society Review. 45(2):241-276.
Tran_Thi_Thu_Trang _.  2011.  Food Security versus Food Sovereignty: Choice of Concept, Policies, and Classes in Vietnam’s Post-Reform Economy. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies. 26:68-88.
Markussen T, Tarp F, Van Den Broeck K.  2011.  The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam. World Development. 39(5):839-850.
Lund C.  2011.  Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and dispossession in Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(4):885-905.
