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Agricultural Investment at the Crossroads in Cambodia: Towards inclusion of small-holder farmers? Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Analyzing Development Issues Centre (ADIC), Mekong Region Land Governance Project (MRLG). Case Study(6):1-48.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. An Assessment of Customary Tenure Systems in the Lao PDR. World_Bank. :83pp..
2022. Carbon emissions from land acquisitions in Laos. Ecology and Society. 27(3)
2022. Cashing in or driving development? Cross-border traders and maize contract farming in northeast Laos Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(1):139-161.
2022. Community Protected Areas in Cambodia: Analysis of Legal Framework, Practice and Recommendations (ClientEarth). (April):56pp..
2022. The Constitutionality of Compulsory Land Acquisition in Vietnam: Issues and Recommendations. Law and Development Review. 15(1):147-168.
2022. .
2022. Counterfactual assessment of protected area avoided deforestation in Cambodia: Trends in effectiveness, spillover effects and the influence of establishment date. Global Ecology and Conservation. 38(May):e02228.
2022. Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(3):473-488.
2022. Determinants of swidden communities’ land-use decision-making for different crops in Son La and Nghe An provinces, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 119:106190.
2022. Development or dispossession? Exploring the consequences of a major Chinese investment in rural Cambodia Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-22.
2022. Discursive and biophysical dimensions of land sparing policies in Laos: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions and food security. Land Use Policy. 120(June):106293.
2022. Effectiveness of community forests for forest conservation in Nan province, Thailand. Journal of Land Use Science. 17(1):307-323.
2022. .
2022. Exclusions in the Cambodian irrigation sector: perspectives from Battambang province. Cahiers Agricultures. 31:1-8.
2022. Exploring Distressed Cashew-Nut Farmland Rentals Among Ethnic Groups in Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam. Rural Sociology. 87(2):370-392.
2022. Exploring women's mobilities and family transformations in Laos: Historical perspectives and mirrored ethnographic insights. Space-Populations-Societies. (1)
2022. Financial landscapes of agrarian change in Cambodia. Geoforum. 137(December):185-193.
2022. .
2022. Gendered repertoires of contention: women’s resistance, authoritarian state formation, and land grabbing in Cambodia. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 24(2):198-220.
2022. .