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Hansen K.  2013.  Land Law, Land Rights, and Land Reform in Vietnam: A Deeper Look into “Land Grabbing” for Public and Private Development. :i-iv,1-40.
Gillespie J.  1998.  Land Law Subsystems? Urban Vietnam as a case study Pacific Rim Law & Policy. 7(3):555-610.
Deininger K.  2003.  Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction. :i-xlvi,1-244.
Lohmann L.  1993.  Land, Power and Forest Colonization in Thailand. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters. 3(4/6):180-191.
McMichael P.  2015.  The Land Question in the Food Sovereignty Project. Globalizations. 12(4):434-451.
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Baird IG, Le Billon P.  2012.  Landscapes of Political Memories: War Legacies and Land Negotiations in Laos. Political Geography. 31(5):290-300.
Gillespie J, Hualing F, Pham_Duy_Nghia _.  2014.  Land-Taking Disputes in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis and Implications for Vietnam. :1-60.
Manushya_Foundation _, Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP).  2019.  Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Joint Submission to the UN Universal Period Review 35th Session of the UPR Working Group. :1-18.
Gironde C, Golay C, Messerli P.  2016.  Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia. :i-xx,1-300.
TNI _.  2015.  Linking Women and Land in Myanmar - Recognising Gender in the National Land Use Policy. (February):1-24.
Le Billon P.  2002.  Logging in Muddy Waters: The Politics of Forest Exploitation in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 34(August 2014):563-586.
Cambodian_Human_Rights_Action_Committee(CHRAC).  2009.  Losing Ground: Forced Evictions and Intimidation in Cambodia. :1-74.
Chann S.  2020.  Making place and creating frontiers: Examining land and resource struggles in Cambodian post-conflict resource landscapes. Geographical Journal. 186(3):262-275.
Lestrelin G, Bourgoin J, Bouahom B, Castella JChristophe.  2011.  Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR. Applied Geography. 31(3):950-958.
Kenney-Lazar M, Ishikawa N.  2019.  Mega-Plantations in Southeast Asia: Landscapes of Displacement. Environment and Society. 10(1):63-82.
Deligne A, Hayward D, Campbell NY, Cole R, Ingalls M.  2021.  Mekong Regional Land Forum 2021: Land tenure in Mekong forest landscapes: Advancing the recognition of customary rights and responsible investment practices.
FitzGerald I, Sovannarith S, Sophal C, Sithen K, Sokphally T.  2007.  Moving Out of Poverty? Trends in community well-being and household mobility in nine Cambodian villages Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). :1-228.
Srinivas S, Hlaing U_S.  2015.  Myanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development. (May):i-xvii,1-112.
Myanmar_Centre_for_Responsible_Business(MCRB), Institute_for_Human_Rights_and_Business(IHRB), Danish_Institute_for_Human_Rights(DIHR).  2014.  Myanmar Oil & Gas Sector Wide Impact Assessment - Part 4. Section 1. Stakeholder Engagement & Grievance Mechanisms. :72-82.
